It's Darlie, Darling

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A request from the amazing @th3sadgoblin! It's about Charlie's surprising Dior with their first date night! Enjoy!

*Charlie's POV*
I'm hoping to have a date night with Dior. I think I want to go to a restaurant maybe? I don't know, but... I think I'm gonna have to ask my litter sister, Leah. She knows a lot about fashion. So does Dior but, I can't ask her because... It's for her. I called Leah and she picked up the phone not long after. "Hey, Leah." I said putting her on speaker phone. "Hey Charlie! What's up bro?" She said with excitement. "Oh nothing much, but, you know me and Dior are dating and I want to do a little something special." I saidtk choosing a nice suit. "Oh okay! Well, first off... Please don't wear a suit." She said as I was browsing through my closet. "Oh. Okay." I said as I closed went to my drawers. "Just wear a sweatshirt and pants. Nothing fan-well... Actually, you might want to wear a silky collar shirt and maybe jeans. You know that expensive taste Dior has." Leah said with certainty in her voice. "Okay, and also, Do you think she'll like an inside or outside restaurant?" I asked her while getting my silky white collar shirt out. "Um. Probably inside. Yeah, cause it's a bit colder." She said over the phone. "Okay, thanks little sis, I'll talk to you later." I said as I got my clone out. " You're welcome, char bush! Buh- bye!" She said as she hung up. I texted Dior and told her that I'm going to a restaurant.

After a few minutes, Dior knocked on my door and I opened it. She had on her fuzzy grey sweatshirt and white jeans. I had on my silky white shirt and black jeans. "Wow. Uh. You look.. Great." I was so stunned. "You look so good, Charlie! I love that shirt!" She said with a smile. She made me smile. She's just so cool like that. I took her to a fancy restaurant, and thankfully there wasn't that much people. We had a few come over for photos but, not too much. After we ordered our food we sat down at a round table.

We were talking about season two and then a LARGE group of people come over, hovering and screaming over Dior. About ten or more people were touching her and she couldn't escape. Dior looked so scared. I got up and tried to get through all the people. Her eyes switched and every direction, and she couldn't even smile right for the cameras. More and more people came over. There was just a bunch of yelling, pushing, screaming, grabbing, and it was a lot... Even for me. She gave me the most scared look I've ever seen and I had shove through the people then, grabbed Dior's arm, stood her up and pushed through many people.

I took her outside and more and more people can up to her. "Charlie, get me out please!" She begged as she tried to reach for my arm. I was trying to be polite but, I couldn't get her. So, I had to push everyone. I quickly grabbed her hand, picked her up and took her to the truck. I put her down on the seat. "You okay?" I said her, fixing her hair. She still looked scared and breathed heavily. She looked around at look at me again. "Hey, hey. It's okay. We're outta there." I said rubbing her shoulder. Her eyes fluttered. I gave her a water bot from the side pocket of my truck. She drank a bit and sighed and closed her eyes. She smiled and hugged me so quickly. I wrapped my arms around her and a huge smile approached my lips. "I love you." She whispered. I put my hand on her head and said "I wuv you too." In a baby voice. She chuckled and backed up and sighed. She turned around and I closed the door.

I went back to the hotel and told her wait in her room. I quickly called Leah again. "Hey, Leah. We were about to eat at the restaurant but a WHOLE bus of people came to Dior and it overwhelmed her so, where at the hotel and I don't know what to do." I said while neatly fixing my bed. I was just so stuck on what happened, I feel like my mind is everywhere. "Oh jeez. Okay. Just put a few flowers on the bed, chocolate, chips, a drinks on the bed rest." She said softly. "Okay. That's it?" I asked I went to go get some food and stuff. "Yeah. You know Dior likes simple things. You'll do great, Nelly." She said softly. "Okay. Thanks sis." I said as I got the snacks. "Yup. Bye, Bush! Have fun!" She said cheerfully. "Bye, Leah." I said setting out everything.

I got Dior out of her room and took her to mine. When I opened the door her face lit up. "Oooh, Charliiiiieee!! It's so cuuute!!" She squeaked. I chuckled softly and she hugged me, swing me side to side. We sat on the bed and watched some movies. It was nice. Really nice. Around 7:40 we went and change into sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Around 8:00 we went out for a short stroll. Before we went back in the hotel, Dior put her hand on my cheek and I wrapped my arms around her waist. "You are the best!" She said with a smile. "You... are the best." I said with a smile. I swung her down and we slowly leaned for a kiss.

(I edited it for @4madsxx ❤️)

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(I edited it for @4madsxx ❤️)

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