"Hey, Bubba."

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This is about Charlie and Dior spending a fun day together.

*Charlie's POV*
I wanna take Dior on a morning date. She's the best girlfriend in the work and she works so hard. It's 8:00 right now so, she's probably going to get up soon. I went ahead and placed a breakfast order so, when we leave, it'll already be ready.

I knocked on her door and when she opened it, her beautiful smile warmed my heart. "Hello!" She said. "Hi, beautiful." I said as I grabbed her waist and pulled her into a kiss. She put her finger on my lips and asked "Did you brush your teeth?" I chuckled softly. "Yes ma'am." "Okay." She cutely.

She put her hand on my head and kissed me for a moment. When I broke apart, my eyes were still closed. "Char? Where you at?" She said with a smile. "I think I'm here." I said with a drowsy smile. "You stupid!" She laughed as she rubbed her hand on my chest.

I opened my eyes and laughed. She kissed my cheek. "You have a date this morning, Missy. I expect to see you in a onesie." I said with a grin. "Okay." She said with raised eyebrows. She backed up and moved her hands up and down rhythmically. We laughed and I closed the door.

*Dior's POV* (Time Skip)
Breakfast was absolutely wonderful! Especially those hash browns! I mean, who doesn't like hash browns? They are the most tastiest thing you could ever eat with potatoes.

~Joy Here~
I swear, I feel like Halle Bailey. Both of us could eat a whole meal just with hash browns y'all. I love me some hash browns. They need an emoji for hash browns! Sorry to interrupt, back to the story!

*Dior's POV*
After breakfast, Charlie took me to a park and we just played around for a bit. He also took me to a lake and we saw a bunch of fishies. It got cold around noon so, he had a spare coat and let me use it. He's amazing. I'm a very cold blooded person so, this coat, is everything!

*3rd Person* (Time Skip)
Dior walked in the room, and Charlie was chilling watching tv. She jumped on the bed, right on top of him. Her legs were outside of his, and she rubbed her thumbs on his face. "Hey, Bubba." She said with a smirk. "Hello, Darling." He said with a smirk. She bent down and kissed him and came up. "You wanna go for dinner?" She said with a smile. "Nah. I'd rather stay a bit." He said with a mischievous smile. "Yeah, me too." Dior said as she pulled him into a French kiss. Charlie held her back and swung her over. He went down to her neck as she giggled.

He was about to swing her up when he slipped and fell on the floor, taking Dior down with him. "Oh my god, are you okay?" Dior said with a laugh. "Yeah." Charlie said as he chuckled and tried to get up. "Uh-uh. Let's just stay here." Dior said as she made circles on his chest. "If you'd like that, Dear." Charlie replied. "Yeah." She said as she pulled him into another kiss.

Leah walked in and saw them two making out. She stopped Walker by his chest and slowly walked back. "Are they making out again?" He whispered. "They're adults... I guess." She said as she looked at them again. "Yeah, they're going in... That's weird. Okay, let's go." She said as she turned around and walked away. Walker peeked his head through the corner and whispered "Hi." really quickly and ran away quietly, pushing Leah.

He quickly and quietly closed the door and laughed. "Do you think they saw me?" He asked Leah breathlessly. "No." She said with a straight face. "Why are looking like that?" He asked her with a smile, hold in his arms up. Leah easily followed into the embrace, moving her arms under his and placing her hands on his shoulders. "Because you're crazy." She said as her head moved up and down because of her chin resting on his chest. "And get down." She said as she put her head up. Walker put his feet flat on the floor.

Leah's head is at his nose. "I want you to be short again." He whispered as he put his nose on hers. "I'm not getting shorter. You are." She whispered. Walker started walking forward. "Well I miss the small you." He said with a smile. "You shouldn't." Leah said. "But I do." Walker said starting a little bicker. "You shouldn't." "But, I do." "You shouldn't." "But, I do." "You should." Leah said trying to trick him. "And, I do." He said with a smile. He was too slick. They started rubbing their noses on each others and slowly leaned into a small and sweet kiss. "I love you." Leah said softly. "I love you." Walker replied softly. The grinned and rubbed their noses together. They smiled and pecked each other's lips twice. Walker put his hand on Leah's head, and moved her under his chin. They stayed this way for a moment.

*Dior's POV*
"Charlie, didn't we say that we were gonna take Leah and Walker." I said as Charlie kissed my neck and went further down. He backed up looked at me. "We did, didn't we?" He said with a smile. "Yeah." I said as I got up. I was about to go out. "Wait, Dior?" Charlie said softly. "Yeah, bae?" I said as I turned around. "I love you." He said with a smile as he got up and sat on the bed. "Aw! I wuv you too, boo." I said as I walked to him. I grabbed his cheeks and picked him on the lips saying "Mwah!" He laughed and I left.

(Time Skip)
We had dinner with them and it was great. Me and Charlie stayed together and watched movies. He slowly drifted to sleep and I kissed his forehead and a smile popped from his lips. "You silly boy!" I said softly as I rubbed my hand on his chest. He put his hand on mine and sighed. I soon drifted to sleep.

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