Home. P2

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This is half of a request from 4madsxx! 🥰🥰

*3rd Person*
Charlie drove to the hospital, and picked up Dior, and went inside. They both sat in the waiting room and Charlie held Dior's hand. "You okay?" He asked her softly. She sighed as she put her head down and nodded softly.

Charlie got up and knelt down beside her. "Hey. I love you." He whispered. Dior put her head up and smiled. " I love you too." She whispered quietly. She put her hand back on the chair and closed her eyes painfully as the pain crept in faster. Charlie felt himself about to cry as he sat down and looked at her.

(Time Skip)
"Charlie Bushnell." The Doctor said. "Yes?" He said as I propped up. He'd been sitting alone, waiting to see Dior for about twenty minutes. "Follow me, please." The doctor said as he turned around. Charlie made no effort to follow.

They made their way to Dior's room. Charlie smiled softly as he saw her sitting up. She had on a hospital dress, a pulse oximeter, and an ankle cast. Charlie stood at the edge of the bed.

"So, what she had experienced is a fracture. Two joints are broken, that may limit her from walking for a little while. This will take a month or two to fully recover, and I suggest that she stays here for a couple of days. Thankfully, we won't have to do an ORIF surgery, but she was really close to getting it."

"Is she going to be okay?"
"Yes sir, she'll be just fine. She'll just need her rest and companionship. If you plan on leaving, she'll need another relative or friend who can help her through this uneasy transition."
"Okay. I don't plan on going. I'm her boyfriend."
"Oh, I know. She told me you were a good guy."
Charlie chuckled softly.

"Okay, I'll give you two a moment." He said as he left. Charlie turned around and sat on a chair and sighed heavily. "How you feeling, Darling?" He asked her quietly. "Better." She said quietly. He wiped his nose as he started to cry. "You're gonna be here for a little while but, I'm not gonna leave." He said softly as he placed his hand on her arm.

She smiled softly and looked at him. He smiled and kissed her forehead. He just looked at her for a little bit and opened his mouth to say something. "What?" Dior inquired. "I'm just so obsessed with you." He said with a smile. Dior chuckled and asked "What do you mean, bubba?" "You're so strong. So beautiful... So pure. It's astonishing how much you care for yourself and others. Everyone loves you and I understand why. It's because you're just so amazing." He whispered.

Dior smiled sentimentally. "Don't make me cry, man." She said with a grin. Charlie laughed softly. His phone rang and he picked it up to see an unknown number. He answered.
"Hi. Is this Charlie Bushnell?"
"Okay. Nicole Bushnell just recently had a stroke. She's okay right now, but she just wanted to assure that you were okay."
Charlie felt his heartbeat speed up. "Um. I-is she there?"
"Yes. Here Mrs. Bushnell."

"Mom? Mom, are you okay?"
"Yes baby. Are you?"
"Where are you?"
"I'm... I'm at the hospital."
"What happened?!"
"No, mom don't worry too much. Dior... She fractured her ankle."
"Oh goodness. Is she okay?"
"Yeah, she's fine."
Charlie handed Dior the phone.

"Hi, Mrs. Bushnell." Dior said softly.
"Hey, Dior. How are you feeling?"
"I'm good. How about you?"
"Same here. Is Charlie still there?"

"Yeah, I'm here mom."
"Okay. Well, just wanted you to know where I am."
"Yes ma'am."
"You should go see her." Dior said to him.
He shook his head hesitantly, with an unsure expression.
"I'll be fine. Go check on your mom."
Charlie thought for a moment. "Send me your location, mom."
Dior nodded.

"Well, what about Dior?"
"I'm good Mrs. Bushnell." She said quickly.
"Oh okay. Well... If you're sure, then I'll send it in a minute."
"Okay. Thanks mom."

*Charlie's POV*
Good gracious. My mom and my girlfriend are both in the hospital. This feel so bad. I don't want to leave Dior but, I want to check on my mom. I've never felt so overwhelmed.

"Okay, Dior. I'm gonna go see my mom, then I'm gonna come back here, okay? I'll also call your mom as well." I said softly. "Wait, you oh didn't call her before?" Dior said worriedly. "I did." I said quickly. "But, she didn't answer." "Oh okay. Well, yeah. Go to your mom and I'll be here." She said softly.

I kissed her lips softly and kissed her head. "I'll be back." I whispered. She nodded softly. And, I did the most hardest thing I've ever had to do. Leave Dior in a hospital. I called her mom again and she said she would go to Dior. But, it was still so painful to leave her.

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