"You know, I really missed you."

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Dior and Charlie decided to hang out, after a few months of being away from each other, due to school.

Charlie waited outside his doorstep, waiting for Dior to come. He picked up his phone, still waiting. Dior said she'd be there around 6:00 or 6:30, and it's 6:12.

*Charlie's POV*
I'm so excited to see her. I feel like it's been literally forever. It's 6:13... I'm waiting, and I'm watching. Watching for my princess Moana to show up.

I look, and look, and look. Checked my phone, it's 6:15. "Dude!" I exclaim, feeling like it's been an hour but only two minutes.

I sigh, look around, and I think about just going inside. Buuut of course my guts tell me to wait, so I'm listening.

Then. There's my girl. Right there. A smile wipes across my face as I see her pull up.

She has a grin and she gets out the car, leaving her phone behind. "Charlie!" She yells as she runs to me.

At this moment, I know she's going in for a huge hug.

*Dior's POV*
I see my handsome boy, my chuckles, standing there with a smile, and I know I'm jumping into a hug.

I ran into his arms as he picked me off the ground, and hugged me tightly. I held onto his neck as I grinned, knowing for a fact, he was grinning as well.

After a good moment, I backed up to look into his brown eyes. He put me down, leaving his hands on my waist.

"Hi chuckles." I said happily. "Hi, darling." He said with a cute chuckle. We automatically began to sway side to side.

"You know, I really missed you." I said with a smile. "I missed you too. I mean, I was standing her like a dummy waiting for you." He said with his deep, manly voice. I chuckled softly as we just looked at each other.

We slowly leaned toward each other, until our lips touched. The kiss deepened as our tongue reached the surface, soon fighting for control. It felt... So darn good.

I broke away first, catching my breath. Charlie was slightly breathing heavily. "Should we finish this inside?" I asked with a mischievous smile. "Be my guest." He replied.

We were about to walk inside until I stopped him. "What's up?" He whispered. I smiled and soft and quickly sung "Put that on my mmm..." waiting for him to catch the hint.

(A/N: That song's 'On My Mama' by Victoria Monet)

We both turned around and waved at my mom, who had a grin.

"Oh!" I exclaimed as he picked me up. I giggled as he walked inside, as if held on to his shoulders.

Charlie and Dior Where stories live. Discover now