Darlie and a Kid. P5

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This is a very great idea from my friend @calleigh_percabeth!

After a while, Dior and Charlie sat together on a meet with Kate. "Hey, Kate." Dior said. "Hey, guys. So... 'we've got something to discuss' doesn't sound too great."

"No, we uh... Girl, we gotta talk about Jeremy. How's everything going with him?" Dior asked. There was a short pause.

"I've been so busy. I work from eight to six every weekday, and on the weekends, I'm still just... I don't know." She said, feeling guilty. "Kate, we um... We've gotta fix Jeremy's life. I know you're probably not gonna want to hear this but, he called Dior is mom." Charlie said. Kate sighed and rubbed her head. "Look, we get it. You're only seventeen." Dior added.

"Guys. I feel like a jerk." Kate said with a sigh. "You shouldn't." Dior reassured. "Guys. I'm serious. I don't know why I agreed to this. Just when mom and dad died, I couldn't let him go. But, I was never there for him. And I hardly tried to be." Kate said with defeat.

"Kate. Me, Charlie, and our parents were talking earlier and... We might want to consider... Possible custody." Dior said nervously. Kate sighed and covered her eyes.

"So, you guys are just gonna keep him there?" She whispered. "Yeah. Just until you know for sure that everything's settled. I remember you talking about trying to get an apartment so, this might just be the time." Charlie said. Kate covered her mouth, beginning to cry as she turned her head. "I'm sorry." She whispered, shakily. "It's okay." Dior replied.

(A/N: I don't know much about child custody so, imma do a time skip 🫣)

*HUGE Time Skip*

"If you could sign here Kate." The lady said. Kate took the pen, and looked up at Dior with tears in her eyes. "It's just temporary." Dior whispered. Kate sniffed and nodded, as she wiped her tears away. "Okay." She whispered as she signed her name. The lady took the booklet. "I'll give you some time." She said as she got up and walked out.

The two friends sat in silence as Kate's tears managed to escape her eyes. "Hey. I know you feel like it's all your fault, but I promise it's not." Dior said softly. "I should've been there for my brother. Man, I ignored him so much. I don't even know what his favorite ice cream is." Kate said breaking out into a sob. Dior felt herself getting so emotional.

"Thank you. I know you'll take good care of him. Just wish I did."
"You did. He's happy. That's all that matters."
"That's all that matters." Kate repeated with a cry.
"I'm sorry if it's too much. I know you have a life and.."
"Kate. Jeremy is... He's all I could've hoped for. So, this time we get to spend with him... Isn't a choice... It's a desire."
"Thank you, Dior."
"Come here." She said as she got up, hugging Kate. "You are the best friend-slash sister-I've ever met." Kate said with a smile. Dior grinned softly. "And hey. If he calls you mom... Just let it slide." She said softly. Dior smiled with tears in her eyes.

*Dior's POV*
Wow. Just wow. I mean, I'm practically a mom. I'm a temporary parent. Damn, this is crazy. Definitely not the way I saw my life changing but, I feel as if it'll be a good change. I mean, Jeremy's just worth it. I know I probably can't feed him forever but... I'll have a nice amount of time.

I drove home to Charlie and my... Temporary son? I don't know what to call him but... He's just so worth it. Now, I kinda feel like a wife taking care of my husband and son. This is crazy. But, for now... My stressing is low.

*Charlie's POV*
Playing with Jeremy is actually pretty fun. And funny. He's such a great boy. I really hope Kate goes through with the custody.

This isn't how I imagined my life would go with Dior though. I thought we'd have our own kids by the time we're like twenty something. But, I thinks it's for the better.

I hear a car pull up, knowing it's my girlfriend. Jeremy ran to me just when she opened the Dior. "Di-Di!" Jeremy said excitedly as he ran up to Dior and she picked him up with a beautiful grin. She walked up to me and sighed.

"So what's the news?" I asked. She looked at Jeremy and looked at me with a smile. She hugged me and whispered "I think you know." I grinned as I held her waist and Jeremy's head.

"I nuv you guys." Jeremy said softly. "We love you too, bud." Me and Dior said with a grin.

Dior put Jeremy down and he wrapped around my legs, making me laugh. I tussled through his hair and he ran to the living room.

"I'm a bit hungry." I said with a smirk. "Oh yeah? Me too, but it's not time yet." She said mischievously. "So, when is that time?" I asked as I put my hands on her waist and she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Later." She whispered.

She kissed me twice before Jeremy came up to us. He just looked at the two of us with an open mouth. "Ewww!" He said with a laugh as he ran away.

"Come here you lil munchkin." Dior said picking him up, making him giggle and kick his feet. She pretended to "eat" him holding his stomach and legs, pressed against her as both me and Jeremy laughed.

She turned him around and he kissed her cheek. "Thank you buddy." She said with a wide grin. "Now give me a kiss-kiss." He said with a smile. Dior kissed his cheek and he grinned really hard, followed by a giggle/snicker.

I put my hands on Dior's shoulders and looked at Jeremy with a smile. "Hey, Charlie." He said with a a smile. "Hi, Jeremy." I said with a smile.

*3rd Person*
"You know, we have some explaining to do, babe." Dior said to Charlie. "Oh yeah. Come here." Charlie said, taking Jeremy to the living room. The couple sat on the couch with Jeremy on Charlie's lap.

"So, bud... Kate is very busy, right? So me and Charlie are gonna be taking care of you for quite a while. Then, when Kate is all set, she's gonna love you and take care of you forever and ever." Dior explained.

"But, will she? If you guys leave, I'm gonna be anone again." He said sadly. "Baby, you're not going to be alone. Kate is just very busy right now. He's going to get you a new house and everything." Dior said, holding his small hand.

"Will you guys come back?" He asked as tears welled up in his eyes. "Yes, buddy. We will." Charlie said softly. "We'll visit very often, sweetheart." Dior added.

Jeremy took a moment to think about this. He didn't want the two to leave him, considering that's the most care he's got since his parents passed.

"How long until Kate comes back?" He asked. "Well, there's nothing for sure. But it will be a while." Dior said. "Okay. Okay, it's fine." He agreed. "Alright." Dior said with a smile. Charlie have him a high-five and Dior pecked his head before she left to get him a snack.

Joy Here
How'd I do? Also, should I do another one-shot about the day in the life of a "temporary parent"?

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