Home. P3

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This is the FULL request @4madsxx had! 😊

*3rd Person*
Charlie drove to his mom with very heavy traffic. After about twenty to thirty minutes, he made it to his mom. She was sitting up in the hospital bed, drinking water.

"Hey, mom." Charlie said as he knocked on the door. "Hey, honey." She said softly. He walked in and sat down and sighed.

"So, what happened with Dior?"
"Um." Charlie hesitated because he knew how Dior felt about her GAD attacks.
"She ran into a man who had anger issues and he hurt her." He said quietly.
"Oh my god. Oh my go-is she okay?"
"Yeah, she's fine. She just.... She fractured her ankle. So, she's probably going to end up leaving today or tomorrow, and she's going to have a long time to recover."
"All that matters is that she's okay. Don't worry to much, Charlie."

"Okay. Thanks mom." He said as he bent down and hugged her softly.

He sat there for a little while, just to be with his mom. As he felt himself falling asleep from the stressful situations, his mom starts having trouble breathing. "Mom?! Mom!" Charlie yelled as she started to stare into a space. He ran to get a nurse as quickly as he could. When he came back, she was shaking.

The nurses moves the furniture, and brung her down to the floor with a pillow under her head. After the seizure, they turned her over to make sure that anything wasn't in her mouth. They bring her up to the bed as she regained consciousness.

"Now, Mr. Bushnell, she might be a little confused for a while, but just be understanding. I'm going to be right in the other room." The nurse told him. "Okay."

Charlie sat down beside his mom and put his hand qon her arm. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around in confusion. "Ugh." She groaned. "What's wrong, mom?" Charlie asked in concern. "I feel sick." She said quietly. "I think it's regular, mama. You had a seizure."
"A what?"
"A seizure. Remember?"
"Um. I think so." She said hesitantly.
"Well, you're okay."
"Can I get some water please?"
"Sure. Here." Charlie said as he passed her a bottle of water. He stayed there for a few hours just to make sure she would be safe.

*Dior's POV* (Time Skip)
I feel so alone. It's been about four hours since I've been here, but my mom still hasn't came yet because she just called me and told me she's sick. This is just great. I'm a 18 year old girl who feels so alone.

My mom is sick, my other 'mom' is in the hospital, and my boyfriend is with her. I told my mom that Charlie was here so she wouldn't get up and I told Charlie that my mom was here so, he didn't have to leave his mom. And now, I kinda regret that.

*3rd Person* (This is the most dramatic thing I've ever wrote btw⬇️)
As Dior stared at the ceiling, she started to think about the recent incident. As she dived deeper, her memories of the incident began to flow through her mind. She started to feel herself sweating as her heartbeat sped up. It got worse when she remembered that Charlie is gone.

She started to tremble as she almost fell off the bed. A nurse came in and pushed her up. "Ms. Goodjohn, you're okay." The nurse said calmly. "No! Get off! Get off!" She yelled as she snatched her arm away from her soft grip. "Ms. Goodjohn, calm down." The nurse said softly. "No! Go away! Get off!!" She yelled as the woman gently placed his hand on her shoulder. The nurse backed up and gave her space.

Dior fell off of the bed and screamed from the pain of her ankle and hitting the floor. "Dior! You need to trust me." The nurse said as she slowly bent down to her. "No! Charlie! Mom! Charlie!" Dior yelled as she started breathing heavily and shaking. "They're not here, honey. Just calm down. I'm not going to hurt you." The woman said as she softly lifted her head. "No! No!! Charlie! Please! Get off!" Dior yelled as she scrambled around.

Charlie and Dior Where stories live. Discover now