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This is about Darlie. 😏😏

*3rd Person*
Charlie and Dior were enjoying a lovely night together. They were enjoying the first cool breeze. Dior had on a simple gray sweatshirt with dark blue joggers. Charlie has on a black sweatshirt with gray joggers. They were both just sitting by the road. Watching the city do its daily work.

Door started to feel herself getting cold. "Char, I'm getting a bit cold. Wanna head back?" She asked quietly. Charlie was stuck in thought. No response came from him yet. He soon realized, Dior has spoken to him. "Oh. Sure, Di." He replied softly. As they stood up, Dior cuffed her hand, that her sweatshirt covered, with Charlie's. The walked to the truck and Charlie was a gentleman and opened the door for his girlfriend. Dior smiled as he closed the door with a broadway twirl.

After a few minutes of riding, they arrived to Dior's house. They got a snack and went to her room. "What if i got an apartment?" Charlie asked as he sat of the bed, with his legs opened and hands down. "I'd come visit often." Dior said as she walked between his legs and rested her hands on his shoulders. "For what reason?" Charlie inquired as he grabbed her waist and slightly jolt her closer. She let a small gasp with a smile. "Just to.. hang out." She said as Charlie slowly pulled her down and he laid back. He chuckled as she moved closer to him,

"Is that so?" He whispered as their lips were barely touching. They kissed softly and Dior made the tension well up as she quickly backed up. "Mmm. I think you should consider it." She said casually. Charlie was still fixated on the kiss. He pulled her head closer and kissed her again. She backed up again, leaving Charlie stranded. Charlie couldn't held himself.

He stood up and took Dior's hand and pinned her to the wall, leaving a small bumping sound. Dior gasped. "Charlie! Stop being so loouuud." She began to groan as Charlie kissed her neck. He dropped her hands and she put them on his cheeks. They began to kiss as their tongue interacted. Charlie held her waist and swung her down to the bed. "Mm-hm-hmm." Dior chuckled as they continued the kiss. Charlie felt a little grin on his face and they broke apart to catch their breath. They crawled up to the bed and kissed again. Charlie rolled on top of Dior. Then, as Dior rolled on top of him, they both fell of the bed. Leaving Charlie on the floor with Dior smashed on top of him. They both chuckled and stayed in that position.

As they passionately kissed again, Dior's mom knocked on the door, causing the couple to shoot up. "Yeah, we-im fine." She said as she layed down on the bed. Charlie chuckled as Dior grinned nervously. "Alright." Her mom said as she left. "What time is it?" She asked as she looked at her phone. "Oh, it's almost ten!" She said in shock.  "I have to go to bed! I've got school tomorrow!" She said as she quickly got up and changed into her pajamas. Charlie took of his joggers and sweatshirt to reveal his shorts and his open chest.

They cuddled up together with Dior's soft hands on his chest and his arms wrapped around her like a blanket. Dior looked up at Charlie. "I love you, bubs." She whispered softly. Charlie grinned softly. "I love you too." He said softly. They slowly French kissed for a moment. When the kiss ended, Dior slightly bit his lip, causing Charlie to grin. "Good night." She whispered as she dug her head into Charlie's chest. "Good night." He whispered as he put his head over hers.

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