Darlie and Jeremy P6

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Dior and Charlie slept together, after a pretty fun night. (😉😉)

Jeremy sneaked in their room and jumped on the bed, startling the couple. "Mom, Dad, come oonnn!!!" Jeremy yelled. The two laughed as they put their head back. "Come here, man." Charlie said pulling him between the two.

"What was all of that banging last night?" Jeremy asked innocently. "Um.. Uh." Dior and Charlie fumbled. "You know they're doing construction work." Dior fibbed. "Oh. What was so funny last night?" Jeremy inquired.

Dior was about to speak, then looked at him. "Weren't you supposed to be sleep?" She asked. "Maybeeee." Jeremy said with a weak smile. They all laughed and Charlie and Dior looked at each other with their lips in.

"What do you wanna do today?" Dior asked. "Go to the morning dinner!" Jeremy said happily. Dior giggled and Charlie grinned. "You mean, a breakfast restaurant?" Charlie said with a laugh. "Yeah." Jeremy said quickly.

"Sounds like a plan! But first... We gotta get you dressed." Dior said, sounding animated, wanting Jeremy to enjoy the process of getting ready for the day.

(A/N: Being animated with kids is like the main thing to get them excited for something)

Dior and Jeremy rushed to get him dressed and Charlie smiled, following the two.

(Time Skip)
Dior, Charlie and Jeremy went to a restaurant and Dior took a picture of them. She hadn't posted in a while considering the change of life but, since she's now pretty settled, she decided to post a picture of the three, titling it: 'Loving this time with Jeremy and Chuckles! Helping a friend of mine 🤟🏽'

 She hadn't posted in a while considering the change of life but, since she's now pretty settled, she decided to post a picture of the three, titling it: 'Loving this time with Jeremy and Chuckles! Helping a friend of mine 🤟🏽'

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After breakfast, Charlie took Jeremy on his shoulders, walking to the park. Jeremy went to play and Dior and Charlie kept their eyes peeled on him.

"Jeremy, baby, be careful!" Dior said to him. "Okay, mom!" He yelled back. "Oh shoot." Dior said underneath her breath. Charlie chuckled softly.

A teenage girl Dior met the other day at the restaurant showed up. "Dior?! You?!" She said. "Oh my god, is that your son? You and Charlie ha-" She started. "No, no, no no no no no no no no no no... No. That-that's not my son." Dior said quickly.

"So, why he call you mom?" She asked with an attitude. "Why are you in my business?" Dior replied with an attitude. "Whatever." She said with an eye roll.

"Look, why'd you even come here?" Dior asked. The girl shrugged. "Your dumbass son is going to fall." She said. "Hey, what'd you call him?!" Dior raised her voice, standing up. "

Woah, chill tiger. I just called him a dumbass." She said, trying to press Dior's buttons. Dior felt her heartbeat speed up. Charlie stood up and held her pinky, making her calm down.

   "It's funny how you claim he's not your son, but yet you seem to act like he is."
"It's funny how you act like a dumbass who wants a freaking punch in her face!"

"If it's whatever then why the hell are you still here?"
   "I was actually gonna ask you something."
"What?" Dior asked sternly.

"Have you seen a cat? An orange big cat?"
   "Really. What the heck was all that 'DIOR OH MY GOD IS THAT YOUR SON?' for?"

"I don't care-can you just-have you seen a cat?"
    "You mean fat Albert?"

"Dior, have you seen a cat?!"
"Okay, where?"
   "There" she said pointing to a black cat.

    "Oh... No."
   "Nice meeting you too." Dior said sarcastically. Charlie was just laughing the entire time.

"Why are you so complicated?!"
   "Why are you so upset?" Dior asked casually.
    "Oh, but you can push my buttons. It's called karma, sweetheart. Look it up."
The girl stormed off as Charlie laughed harder.

"She was like a little kid!" He cackled. Dior chuckled and continued watching Jeremy. The two went to play with him for a bit.

Joy here

Also, imma take a break from Wattpad cause it's my summer break but I'll catch up on y'all soon or later! LOVE YOUUU

Charlie and Dior Where stories live. Discover now