Some Kisses. Some Love. Too much?

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Dior went home early that day, sitting on the couch with Jeremy. She was unconsciously rocking him as she was stuck in a gaze, thinking.

Jeremy woke up and looked at her. "Mom?" He asked. Dior didn't answer as she continued thinking, her eyes starting to water. "Mom." Jeremy called, louder. Dior snapped out of her gaze breathing heavily.

She began to continuously blink as she looked around. She looked back at Jeremy and smiled. "Dior, are you okay?" Jeremy asked. "Yes baby." She responded softly, brushing his hair.

"Di-Di?" Jeremy said sadly. "What's wrong, bear?" Dior asked sadly. "When do you and Charlie go away?" He asked quietly. Dior sighed softly and clenched her teeth together.

"I... I don't know buddy. I'm so sorry." She whispered, rubbing his head. "I don't want you to leave." He said, beginning to cry. "Jeremy. Hey. It's okay." She said emotionally.

Jeremy began to cry aloud. Dior couldn't stand the look on his face with such sadness and disappointment. Jeremy stood up in her lap and hugged her tightly. Dior returned the hug, her tears threatened to escape.

After a long time, Jeremy finally let go and sat on her lap, still very saddened. Dior tried to smile but nothing but sadness showed. Seeing Jeremy's expression broke her heart.

(9:00 at night)
Dior was lying in bed, feeling restless, thinking about how hard it'll be leaving Jeremy when the time comes.

Charlie had a long day also. Taking care of Jeremy and his girlfriend was such a unique situation that he'd never been in so, rest sounded good to him.

He heard a small sniffle from beside him and saw Dior having a tear stream down from her face. "What's wrong, mama?" He asked sentimentally. "I'm just... So worried about Jeremy." She said with a sigh.

"Dior Negeen Goodjohn. You are stressing out way too much. Jeremy's just thinking like you. So, you can't worry. And you really don't have to worry, princess." He said softly, wiping her tears. He rested his hand on her stomach. She looked over at him with a smile.

"I love you." She whispered. "I love... You." Charlie whispered, pulling her closer. He sat up on one elbow and kissed her.

(For the teens who watched to many movies lol)
Dior grabbed his shoulders and pulled him closer to her. He broke the gap between them, creating a kiss.

"I think I kinda wanna..." Dior said, rubbing his shirtless chest. Charlie got over her, locking her between his legs, with his hands on her head and shoulders.

He slid his hands down, making way through her shirt. "You kinda wanna?" He asked mischievously as his hands searched her stomach, moving toward her chest. Dior gasped dramatically. "Charlie! No!" She hissed. Charlie mimicked her expression, making her giggle.

As the two enjoyed a small session, Charlie spun her around and she rested over him. "Charlie... You uh... You know... I got... To film... To-t-Tomorrow." Dior said as he kissed her sweet spot. "Mmhmm." He hummed softly.

He began to kiss further down her shoulder as Dior moaned softly, trying to stay quiet. Charlie sat up and picked Dior up to stand. "Charlie. I'm not doing this tonight." She hissed. Charlie smiled with a sigh. He kissed her neck again creating chills from Dior.

He moved to the nape of her neck. She groaned really quietly. "You like that?" Charlie asked with a smile, breathing on her neck. Dior giggled. "Shh." Charlie said, again breathing on her neck, making her giggle. He lifted her crop top off to encounter more of her beauty.

He continued kissing her neck, moving to a very sensitive spot, moving her bra strap down just a little bit. Dior bit her lip, trying to stay quiet but couldn't contain a loud moan.

"Shhh. You're going to wake up Jerm." Charlie whispered. "Me? I'm not-uhhh." Dior moaned again. "Mmmggghh!" She moaned, words not being able to speak. "Sorry, love." He replied, stopping the kisses. She breathed heavily and cleared her throat.

"P-probably should go to bed." Dior said slowly and hesitantly. Charlie rested his hands on her waist. "It isss only ninneee oclooockkk." He whispered on her shoulder. She giggled loudly. "Charlie!" She whined.

"Shh!" Charlie said, placing a finger on her lip. "Oh whatever." She said with Charlie's finger still on her lips. He brushed his finger across her lips and gently held her chin and chuckled softly. "What?" She asked. "You're funny." He whispered. Dior rolled her eyes.

Charlie pushed her to the door; creating a hard bump. "Charlie! Chill!" She hissed with wrinkled eyebrows. "Why?" He said taking her from the door. "Cause we have a little-" she started but was interrupted by a quick pick up and plop on the bed, creating another giggle.

He locked her legs between his, getting to a comfortable position. "Okay, Casanova. Don't get too happy." She said with a bit of sternness, but a smile she tried to hide. "I think you like it mss cuteyyy." He whispered as he sat her up. Dior giggled as she tensed from Charlie's hot breath and fingers dancing around her back.

Charlie kissed her neck again, making her moan for a split second before she lightly pushed his chest. He leaned over her with his fist hammered into the bed and his arms locked. Dior looked at him with that 'I like it, but I need to sleep' expression.

Charlie smiled softly and kissed her lips ever so gently, Dior not kissing him back. He did it again and she couldn't resist completing the kiss. The kiss lasted for a little while longer, tongues slowly visiting each other's mouths.

After the kiss, their eyes opened in unison. Dior smiled and turned over with her knees up, pulling up the cover. Charlie got her message that she's done. He slid his leg under hers and rested his other on top of Dior's. His arms slid between Dior's waist and elbow and he wrapped his arm around her waist. His other hand, he slid her hair up, creating a clear opening to the nape of her neck.

"Charlie." She whispered. "Yes love." He said as he bent down, getting ready to kiss her neck. "I'm tired." She said softly. Charlie smiled and pecked her neck and said "Okay." Dior rolled her eyes with a smile. Charlie slid his other arm between Dior's waist and elbow, wrapping her waist. He moved up slightly to close the gap between the two, making Dior gasp inaudibly.

"Oh my god. There's no way I can hide that tomorrow." She said in shock. "It's okay, love." He replied with a smile. "Boy!" She said, slapping his arm. He chuckled and rubbed his hand on her stomach. The two, in the comfortable position, drifted to sleep. Charlie woke up to pull the covers over him as well, even though Dior took most of it.

When he closed his eyes again, they both shot up to hear a door open. They immediately knew it was Jeremy. Dior grabbed her shirt and shoved it on. They fixed the covers to be on top of both of them equally as they slept further apart, Charlie's hand on her shoulder.

Jeremy walked to their door and opened it. "Mom? Dad?" He whispered. "Hey baby." Dior said softly as she sat it.. "Are you okay, Di-Di?" He asked. "Yeah. What's wrong baby?" She asked, picking him up on her lap. "You sounded like a monster." He said innocently. Dior gave Charlie a side eye. "Yeah. I'm okay." Dior said with a smile.

"Okay. Is the construction done?" Jeremy asked. " Uhm. W-well. M-maybe. I don't... Know." Dior hesitated. "Okay. And mommy?" Jeremy asked. "What's up?" She asked.

"What is so funny?" He asked with a head tilt and a small smile. "Mmm." Dior whispered with a nervous smile. "Um. Charlie's just... A very... Funny guy. Yeah. He um... Likes to tickle me a lot." She said nervously, but hid her feelings by nodding and smiling. "Cause he eats you!" Jeremy laughed.

Dior laughed and said "Yeah." Charlie sat up and put his arms out. Jeremy ran to him and smashed into a hug.  Dior just looked ahead, shaking her head with a smile.

"Di-Di, is your neck okay?" Jeremy asked. Dior eyes widened tremendously. "Uh. Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." She said awkwardly, laying back down. She looked at Charlie. "Sorry." He mouthed. "It's okay." Is what Dior said but really she said: 'I'm going to kill you.'

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