Home. P1

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This is about Dior having a GAD attack due to an old enemy, but Charlie is there, as always. Enjoy!

*Dior's POV*
Me and Char are at another interview. We've been here for about two minutes now and I'm already getting bored.

"Yes, so, what's your favorite part about playing Clarisse?" The woman asked me. She literally just asked me the same question!

"Uh. Just um... Being that confident." I said as I tried to act inquisitive, even she just asked me the same question! I'm so bored right now. I just wanna go home, and go to sleep. That's how bored I am.

"And Charlie, for you, what makes Luke special from the others?" She asked with a smile.

Charlie had that 'there's nothing good about him' face. "Um. Maybe his sword fighting." He said hesitantly.

Did this lady forget what to ask us? There is nothing good about Luke. He's not special. Why is she asking us these questions? "Can I ask you a question?" I said kindly.

"Sure, go ahead." She said as she gestured at me to speak. "Who is your favorite character?" I asked to get this interview actually worth something.

"Probably, Medusa." The lady said. I nodded with a smile on the outside, but on the inside I am so confused.  "Oh really?" Charlie said acting like he was interested... I know he wasn't.

"Yeah! I mainly like Jessica as an actor. I would've got her here but, I could only get y'all." She said with a smile. Me and Charlie had a 'oh I get it' face but truthfully we thought....

*Charlie and Dior's POV*
That's so stupid!

*Charlie's POV*
Okay... So... This interview isn't really for us? She's just talking. Oh wow. And here I thought I would have a good time. Nope. I was wrong. Very wrong.

After about another 5 minutes of... Talking about something that meant nothing, me and Dior finally were able to leave.

When we left, a lot of people were just waiting for us to take photos. I held Dior's hand as we walked out. Our guards were keeping us from getting into trouble.

*3rd Person*
As they walked through the crazy crowd, a person pushed a guard on accident, causing the guard to hit Dior, making her fall. The guard quickly turned around and picked her up. "You okay, sweet?" The guard asked her. "Yes ma'am. Thank you." Dior said quietly.

They made it to the truck. Charlie and Dior got in the car as they went to get a late lunch.

When Charlie went to get the food, Dior stayed in the truck. Someone beside her hit the door, making her jump. "Sorry." The guy said sounding muffled because the window was closed. Diors face filled with fear as she looked at the guy.

Now, who is 'the guy'? Spencer. Spencer Reed. The guy that hurt her as a kid. That guy. The reason why her GAD is here.

The guy tapped on the window. Dior slowly looked up, keeping her head down. "Dior?" He said with a slight head tilt. Dior hesitantly looked back at her phone. "Oh, you're still trying to hide, aren't you." He said as he put his hands on the window to see her clearly.

Dior quickly looked at him and looked inside to see if Charlie was in sight. "What? You still scared." He said as he banged the window, causing Dior to jump, making her phone fall out of her hand.

She breathed heavily as she picked up her phone and called Charlie on speaker. "Hey, let's not act like things have changed since we were kids, just because you're famous." The guy said as he got off the truck.

Dior just waited for Charlie to pick up and he didn't. She started to feel her heartbeat speed up. She tried to get out. "Big mistake." The guy said as he closed the door, leaving her ankle stuck between the door. "Ahhh! Ahhhh! No!" Dior yelled in agony as she forced the door open and brought her foot back in.

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