Darlie and a Kid P2

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Charlie, Dior, and Kate got ready for the kid to stay over for a couple days, with the adult and adolescent.

(A/N: Jeremy is gonna be four in this cause I want him to be young in this fanfic 🤭)

"Okay, bud. You ready?" Dior asked, picking Jeremy up, out of the booster seat. "Mhmm." "Alright." She said with a sigh.

"Thank you guys so much." Kate said. "No problem, girl." Dior said with a smile. Kate went to the back to get the rest of her brothers' stuff.

"You, know you look very nice." Charlie finally admitted. Dior gently covered Jeremy's ear, pressing his head against her chest. "And baby, you as fine as hell." Dior said quietly with a 'black' accent.

The two chuckled, but Jeremy was curious on why his head was continuously moving, so he looked up at Dior. "Oh, I'm sorry baby. You're fine." She said softly, with a smile.

Jeremy nodded and rested his head on her chest again, slowly drifting to sleep. Dior smiled, soothing Jeremy's back, making Charlie sigh in appreciation of his girlfriend.

*Charlie's POV*
Wow. My wifey is just so amazing. I want to have kids of my own but, I don't think we're ready for that. I don't think I'm ready for that. I mean, some day were going to talk about it but... Not any time soon. I'm just enjoying my girlfriend, in the moment.

I helped Kate get the rest of Jeremy's stuff out of the car, to my house.

"Alright. Let me say bye to my bro." Kate said as she walked over to Dior. She went to him, but he was sleep.

"Aw. He doesn't really go to sleep in people's arms." She said with a smile. Dior chuckled softly and said "Well, he was probably really tired, because he is knocked out." Kate placed her hand on his back. He slowly put his head up.

"Bye, Kate." He said sleepily.
"Oh so, you know I'm leaving?"
"You told me earlior."
"I did?"
"Oh okay. Well, love you, big guy."
"You too." He said, putting his head back down on Dior's chest.

"Bye, sis." Kate said, hugging Di. "Bye, girly." She responded. "Bye, Charlie." She said, giving me a hug. "Bye, Kate." I responded.

I walked over to Dior, and held her waist as Kate left. We both waved by, as she drove off.

*3rd Person*
The couple went inside, and Dior sat down in the guest room, but for a while, Jeremy's room. Charlie stood beside her, messaging her shoulders. Dior closed her eyes and sighed with relief and a calming sensation.

"I love you." Charlie whispered. "I love you more." Dior replied. Charlie moved over, to let himself get a clear view of Dior's face. She smiled and leaned toward him, gesturing a kiss.

The two kissed for a moment, before they were interrupted by a little giggle from Jeremy. Dior quickly looked down at him.

"Are you spying on me and Char-char?"
"Maybe" he said with a grin
"Ah, you little munchkin!" Dior said, tickling his stomach. Jeremy giggled and kicked his feet.

(Time Skip)
Jeremy and the couple played together with his toy cars. "Can we have ice cream?" Jeremy asked, getting bored of playing. "Well, buddy, you have a schedule. So, maybe later on tonight." Dior answered.

"Mom, I don't wanna wait!" Jeremy whined. Dior and Charlie looked at each other with shocked silence. Dior was lost for words. "Um. Jeremy, baby, just uh... P-pl-play with uh... Play with Charlie for a little bit, okay? I'll be back." Dior said as she got up and left. "Okay." Jeremy said sadly. Charlie watched her leave and looked back at Jeremy and smiled. Dior went to get some air.

*Dior's POV*
I don't know what that was but... It felt overwhelming. I know he's not my kid but... Man, I'm not ready to be a mom. What if I become too attached to this guy. What if he gets too attached to me? Even to Charlie?

Kate is his legal guardian. I don't think he's yet to call her mom. Oh my god, what if something happens to Kate? And he's gonna be left with no one. Expect for me and Charlie. I'm just overthinking things. I'm over thinking things.

But, the little guy. He's so amazing. Do I even want a kid? Or kids?! Oh my god, what if I do get pregnant one day. Oh god. Do I need a break from my boyfriend? Wait, didn't he just ask me about us getting married?! He-... No. No? UGH I DON'T KNOW!!! What's wrong with me?!

*3rd Person*
Dior just walked around, overwhelming herself. Her face wrinkled, bare feet walking around in the fine grass, hands strolling through her hair, stressing her out.

She walked back on the porch and sat on a chair. Her breath again to pick up, as she thought about being an actual adult. She felt herself slipping into her own stressful tremble.

Charlie knew something was wrong, so he put Jeremy on his shoulders and went out to check on his girlfriend.

He saw her hair messed up, sweating, looking so stressed. "Di, hey." He said as he put Jeremy down, holding on to his hand. Dior just continued rocking back and forth, eyes closed. "Hey. Um... Come here." Charlie said, picking up Jeremy, quickly taking him to his room.

"Alright, here. Just stay in here, okay?"
"Okay. Is mommy okay?"
"Jeremy... Buddy, she's not... She's not your mama."
"Because... She's just a really good frien-you know what-you can call her your auntie."

"Goody isn't like auntie, though. My sister is not here for me. She's working all day! This is the longest I been with someone." Charlie felt himself getting emotional all of a sudden. "Wait, Jeremy, when does your sister come back?"
"Maybe nine after moon. Or if a guy comes... I think his name is child... Someone thing."

Charlie felt himself feeling speechless as well. "Okay." He sighed. "Okay, sonny, just stay in here, okay?" He asked, resting his hand on Jeremy's. Jeremy nodded and Charlie rushed to his girlfriend.

"Dior. Hey, you're good." He said, placing his hand on her back. "Charlie, I'm not ready for this. I'm not ready."
"Dior, you don't have to ready. Hey. Focus. Focus in on me." Charlie said, holding her pinky. Dior sighed as she gripped his hand, calming down.

(A/N: If I'm not mistaken, the pinky hold was from my best friend, @4madsxx)

"You good?" Charlie asked. Dior simply nodded. "Dior... I'm not even gonna lie. I'm stuck too."
"I just found that Kate... She's not always there for Jeremy." Charlie said slowly.

Dior covered her mouth, beginning to cry. Charlie put his hand on her back, and she got up and hugged him, holding back tears.

After a moment, the couple broke away from the hug, hands still on each other's. "Want to go inside?" Dior asked, stuffy nosed. "Yeah." Charlie whispered. He took Dior's hand and walked inside, gently wiping her eyes with his sleeve.

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