Darlie and a Kid. P1

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Charlie and Dior went on a date together, as two 'adults'.

"So, if I chose to marry you, what would you do?" Charlie asked, as the couple talked grown up conversation. "Okay-well Now... I probably would say yes, but I just don't know. You know-I'd don't know if too fast." Dior replied, filled with uncertainty. Charlie nodded.

"I mean, I love you, Chuckles. Don't like that otherwise or..." Dior said quickly. "No, no, I get it. I understand." Charlie said with a smile. "Okay." Dior said with a chuckle and a sigh.

"I just want to sure. So, I'm not moving too fast. Cause you to feel pressured or any-" Charlie started but, was interrupted by a teenage girl.

"Hey, girl!" Kate, Dior's good friend said to her. "Hey, Kate!" Dior said happily. "So sorry to bother you guys but... I... I lost my baby brother, Jeremy. I'm sure you remember but, he turned ten not too long ago and he's been running around like crazy. This is him today, so if you just happen to find him, please just let me know." She said, showing the couple a picture of the boy.

"Oh man." Charlie whispered, remembering the time he hung out with the boy. "Yes, of course. We will let know." Dior said kindly. "Yeah. I'll get you noted." Charlie added. "Okay, thank you guys so much. I'm so sorry for interrupting." Kate said as she began to walk away. "No, you're fine!" Dior said. "Yeah. It's all good." Charlie added. Kate smiled and left.

"I kinda feel bad for her." Charlie said quietly. "I mean yeah, but the kid. He's only ten. God, I hope she finds him. Or us even." Dior said sadly as she sat back. "Me too." Charlie said.

Dior snapped out of her head and asked "What were we talking about, again?" Charlie also snapped out of his head, and sat up. "Um... Oh. Uh what do you.. What? What was it?" He asked himself. "I lost it." He said with a chuckle.

Dior laughed as she unconsciously looked around for the boy. Charlie shook his head, glaring down at Dior's hands. "Di. Wait. What do your nails say?" He inquired, gently picking up her hands. 'M r C h u c k l e s' was written on each nail.

(A/N: I just found out-well I think-that Dior called Charlie 'Chuckles' cause on a post she made, she said "Chuckles is the best photographer." And @iamcharliebushnell was tagged on the photo.😆 Context cluezzz. lol)

Charlie grinned with a laugh. "What?... Di, when did you do that?" He asked with a grin. Dior chuckled and said "You don't hold my hand enough." Charlie just continued laughing. "I love you." He said as he sat back. Dior snickered.

(Time Skip)
The couple got their food. As they ate, a group of girls walked in and began gossiping about Dior and Charlie.

"I didn't know people still do that." Charlie said, unbothered by their actions. "You don't know anything." Dior said sarcastically. "Oh, really?" Charlie said with a chuckle. Dior smiled and got another scoop of her noodles.

(A/N: I luv noodles. 🍜 Also, would you call a scoop, 'scoop' if you use chopsticks?🥢 )

"I'm sorry." Dior said with a smile, slurping up a noodle. She wiped her mouth, with a smile. "But, what? I mean you literally come over here just to talk about us? That's sad." Dior said with a chuckle. "Oh yeah? What's sad?" A girl asked, crossing her arms.

"What's sad..." Dior said, mimicking the girl. "Is that y'all are freaking dumbasses that just gossip about whatever the hell y'all gossip about. That's what's sad." Dior said casually.

"Oh we're dumb? You are dating someone who had already dated a girl before. That's what's sad." The girl said with an attitude. "I'm sure you dated a hundred guys before and yet you're still dating yourself. " Dior said with a straight face, as if she's rehearsed the sentence a million times, but it truly came off the top of her head. "Whatever. Let's go girls." The girl said as she left.

Dior chuckled as took another scoop of noodles. "They're so damn smart." She said sarcastically, making Charlie snicker.

After a moment, the two finished up their dinner. "And Leah said she wants to go out with Walker. Just the two of them. And I think we should plan it for them." Dior said to Charlie. "Yeah, definitely. They should. I mean they're pretty mature for such a young age. Especially Leah. She's got it down-" Charlie started and paused, looking over Dior's shoulder.

"Hey. Jeremy, bud, come here." Charlie said as he got out of his chair, on one knee, holding his hand out. Jeremy smiled and walked over to a him.

Charlie picked up the kid, with a smile. Dior grinned and put her hand on the kid's back. "Hey, bambino." Dior said happily and softly. "Hey, Goody!" He said happily.

"You're getting big, buddy!" Charlie grinned. "Imma big boy!" Jeremy said with pride. "You know Kate's looking for you, JJ?" Dior asked.

"Yeah, but she won't let me get ice creaaam!" Jeremy whined. "Now, you know you can't have ice cream this late, bud." Charlie chuckled. Dior smiled and called her friend.

(Time Skip)
"Thank you guys so much!" Kate smiled. "Sure! He just came to Charlie, actually." Dior said with a smile. Charlie smiled softly, and held onto his girlfriend. "I'm so glad. Thank you guys agai-" Kate started but was interrupted by a phone ring.

She answered the phone. "Hola mamá. Sí, Charlie encontró a él. Charlie Bushnell, mom. Qué le pasó a papá? Quién puede cuidar de Jeremy? Okay. Alright. Ok-adios, mamá." She spoke over the phone.

Translation: "Hi mom. Yes, Charlie found him. Charlie Bushnell, mom. What happened to Dad? Who can take care of Jeremy? Ok. Alright. Ok-bye, mom."

(A/N: Tip-How do you know when to put your accent mark over letter in española or español? Well... It's simple. It's witha accent. 😐😑😐 Like... Á is pronounced- AAH not Ay. 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱im so stupid. 😏 and in case u didnt know... I love this emoji -> 😱 tehe!)

"Dior, Charlie... I need a babysitter for this joker. Do you guys think you can handle it?" Kate asked, not mentioning her father so she wouldn't stress the two. "Can I know how long?" Dior asked. "Just for two days." She said, hopefully.

"Okay. I'm game. Charlie, what about you?" Dior asked her boyfriend. "Yeah. Same." He said with a smile. "Oh my gosh! Thank you guys so much!" Kate said happily. "Sure!"

Joy Here
Love y'all and tysm for the support! 🥰 I think imma do a P2.

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