"Hey, Moana."

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"Hey, Moana." Charlie whispered. "Hi, baby." Dior said with a sluggish tone.

She turned around, to lay on her back. Charlie placed his hand on her arm.

"I think you need a weight off today." Charlie said with a smile and kissed her cheek. Dior smiled softly. Charlie got up and took her cast off of her ankle.

"Hey, you wanna go to the beach or a lake today?" Charlie asked her. "Sure, babe." She said softly. "Okay. Well, considering how tired you are..." he said as he lay down. "We'll go a little after lunch. How about it?" He said as he held her hand. "Sounds great." Dior said softly with a smile.

She opened her eyes and turned her head to see Charlie looking at her. She smiled and leaned forward for a kiss. Charlie pecked her lips gently.

After hanging out for a while, Dior had the sudden urge to kiss her boyfriend, so she quickly rolled on top of him and started kissing him.

Charlie was in heaven.

He continued kissing her, moving down to her neck, making her gently groan. He soon made his way to her collarbone, making her gasp as chills ran through her body.

He went back up to her jawline as she gasped softly. When he made his way back to her lips, he softly bit her bottom lip, causing her to go in shock. "Oh?" She whispered. Charlie smiled mischievously as he licked his lips.

They kissed again, and their tongue fighting over control.

As they were making out, Dior's mom opened the door. Charlie and Dior were so deep in love, they didn't even notice her.

She smiled softly, raising her eyebrow, and quietly closing the door.

As the couple continued making out, Charlie moved his hands to her back, sending her under him.

"Ow!" She hissed quietly. "Are you okay?" He asked as he quickly got off of her. "Yeah, no, I'm fine." She said quickly.

He quickly checked her ankle. "Charlie, I'm fine bae." Dior said softly as she grabbed his arm and gently pulled him down.

He smiled softly and brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. "You're so beautiful." He said softly. "Thank you, sweetheart." She responded with a grin. They just stayed in the bed, looking at each other.

"You wanna go somewhere today?" He asked her. "Sure. You got any ideas?" She responded. "I found a cool park the other day." He responded. "Whatever floats your boat, baby." She responded softly as she placed her hand on his cheek.

After about an hour and a half, they two got ready to go.

"We're going to the park mama." Dior said as she walked out the door. "Alright! Be safe. See y'all soon." She responded. "Okay! Bye!" They responded.

When they got to the park, Charlie took a picture of Dior and posted her and him in the beautiful scenery.

When they got to the park, Charlie took a picture of Dior and posted her and him in the beautiful scenery

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Joy Here
I know this was very... spicy 🤭 but ngl I just made this up to post this beautiful girl. 😁

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