Red Flows.

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This is a request from @frooloopslover about Dior getting her period and Charlie confronting her. Enjoy!

*3rd Person*
From a peaceful sleep with her boyfriend, a peaceful morning, and a peaceful rise from the past day to a new day, Dior sat on her bed with a smile. She sighed with contentment, just glad to be alive.

As she was about to get up, a sharp wave of pain shot through her stomach, forcing her to sit back down. "Ow." She said quietly, but mainly out of annoyance, wanting to get her day going. She just sat there for a moment and felt her stomach swirling into a million pieces. "Ugh." She immediately knew what time it was. The most terrible time of the month. (You girls know what I mean)

"Good morning, darling." Charlie said quietly. "Hey, bubs."
"You okay?"
"You sure?"
"Dude, I just said yeah." She said as she got up and walked out of the room. Charlie just sighed and stayed in bed.

"Wait, Dior?" He said quickly. "Yes?" She answered. "Get your crutches." He said softly. "Babe, I don't need those." She whined. "Better safe than sorry." He said with a smile. "Fine." She said with a sigh as she got them and went to the bathroom.

A few minutes later, she got out of the bathroom and plopped on the bed. "I'll be back." Charlie said as he got up, kissed her head, and went into the bathroom.

When he came back, Dior was sleep again. He smiled and got out his clothes. "Bubba?" She called quietly. "Yes, hon?"
"Can I get a cuddle bundle please?" She said softly. Charlie smiled and held her in his arms.

They both felt themselves going to sleep. They did have a pretty long night. (😉🤭) After about ten minutes, Dior's mom knocked on the door. "Hmm?" Dior answered sleepily. "You guys hungry?"
"No." Dior responded.
"Um. I kinda am..." Charlie said hesitantly.
"Okay well, breakfast's almost ready. You can come whenever."
"Okay." They both responded.

"You're not hungry, babe?"
"No." Dior said quietly. Charlie got a bit concerned. "Di, you sure you okay?"
"Yessuh!" She whined. Charlie sighed with a small smile and kept her in his arms.

After a moment, Charlie felt himself getting hungry. "Dior?"
"What?" She said softly.
"You hungry now?"
"Nope. Go ahead."
Charlie felt the need to ask if she was okay again, but he didn't want to agitate her.

He left to eat with Dior's mom, while Dior stayed in bed. Her mom soon came and sat on her bed. "You feeling okay, hon?" She asked softly as she felt Dior's head. "Yeah." Dior responded simply. Her mom nodded, knowing it was her time. "Is it coming on?" She asked. "I think so. I don't really care." Dior replied with a sigh. Her mom chuckled and said "Just chill out a bit."

Dior just lay there. She felt something flow and immediately rushed to the bathroom. While she was there, she went ahead and took a hot shower.

When she got out, her cramps began to go away and she had a little appetite. When she was done eating her pancakes, Charlie came from the bathroom and hugged her from behind. She smiled and sighed. "You smell good." She whispered. "You do too." He said as he kissed his neck. "Mmhmhmm. I do?" She chuckled. "Yeah." He said sluggishly.

They stayed in the love hug for a while. "Okay, get off of me." Dior said with a smile as she pat his head from beside hers. "Okay." He said quickly as he kissed her temple. She just sat there for a little while and Charlie rubbed her back, soothingly.

Dior's face scrunched up at her stomach tightened. "Ow." She exclaimed quietly as she felt like little needles poked at her. "Sorry." Charlie said as he took his hand off of her back. "No, you're fine." She said stiffly. Charlie just backed up. His phone rang and saw Andrew calling.

Charlie and Dior Where stories live. Discover now