I just didnt want to let you go.

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This is a request from my @4madsxx bestie westie! Dior goes out with a guys he met and Charlie didn't like it. Enjoy!

*Dior's POV*
The guy I met the other day at the gala, showed up at the same restaurant me and Charlie were going to. "Hi!" I said walking up to him. "Hey, Dior!" He said walking up and giving me a small side hug. Charlie was ordering food. "I saw your latest TikTok video of you dancing. It was very nice." He said with a smile. "Thanks, Manuel!" I said putting my hand on his shoulder. He smiled. "Do you want my number? You don't have to keep it." He said softly. "Sure." I said with a small smile. I feel like he'd be  nice friend. I got his number and Charlie came over. "Hey, D. Our food is coming." He said holding my waist and looking at me with his dark brown eyes. I smiled and kissed his cheek. He looked at Manuel. "Hey, man." Manuel said putting his hand in a fist bump. "Hey, dude." Charlie said with a smile, fist bumping him. "Oh, you two know each other?" I said pointing at them. Charlie looked at me and said "Yeah, I met him at the gala." He looked back at Manuel and smiled. "Oh, me too!" I said looking at Manuel. "Sorry-Can I take a picture?" He said with an unsure smile.  Me and Charlie looked at each other and nodded. Manuel got beside me and gently wrapped his arm around me and took the picture. "Thank you guys." He said as he went to sit down.

Me and Charlie ate and when we got in the car, Manuel texted me. He said it was very nice meeting me and I responded with 'It was 🙂'. He seems like a respectful guy. He also seems very shy. About an hour later, Manuel texted me and asked me if I wanted to go to a concert with him. Of course I agreed. "Charlie, wanna go to a concert with me and Manuel?" I said getting up from my bed. "With Manuel? Why can't it just be us?" He said sitting up. "Charlie, it's no reason. He just asked me-" Charlie cut me off. "He asked you on a date? And you agreed?" He said looking a bit mad. He got up. "No, Charlie, that's not what I'm saying." I said walking up to him to give him a kiss. "Not right now." He ppsaid as he backed up and sat back on the bed. "Are you really going to act like this, just because I have a new friend?" I got a bit upset and disappointed. He just turned around. I just left and slammed the door behind me.

*Charlie's POV*
I don't want Dior to go with this new guy. I met him and he's pretty nice but, she's getting to comfortable. She always makes 'friends' to quickly. As I'm sitting down, I realize that she actually might need me, that's why she didn't change to go. But, why does she want to hang out with him so bad? Is he just that charming? Maybe it's because he's mixed? I don't know, but I just want Dior hanging out with me. Maybe, I'm just being too overprotective. Maybe, I just need to be there for her. I got up to go look for her.

I went to the lobby and called her. She picked up. "Hey, Dior." I said with guilt. "Hi." She said with a sigh. "Look, I'm sorry. But... Can you just please tell me where you are?" I said looking around the lobby. "I'm outside." She said with sorrow. "Okay. Don't go anywhere yet. I want to be there for you. I'm sorry for... Being such a pain in the butt. I need you to be safe and I want to know you're okay." I said walking towards the door. "Thanks." She said softly. I still feel bad for doing that. When I opened the door, she was leaning on the wall, listening to music in the drizzling rain. "I can't go anyways because it's raining... so... yeah." She said taking off her headphones and standing with her hands in her pockets. "Oh, Right. That's a... Bummer." I said putting my hands in my pockets. She turned her head and sighed. I think she wanted to look at me but, she didn't think I'd want her to. I took my hands out and hugged her. She just stayed there and cried softly. She put her chin on my chest and smiled at me. I put my hands on the back of her head. "I love you." I said softly with a smile. She smiled softly and kissed me for a moment. 

*Dior's POV*
Maybe I was moving too fast. Maybe, I was just being too kind. Charlie might have been jealous but, she just wants me safe. That's all I could ask for from him. Well, I digress, I also like his xo's... I need that from him too. He's a great man. "Hey, Dior?" He said looking at me with his handsome face. "Yes?" I said with my chin still on his chest. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He said wrapping his arms around my waist. "Of course, Char." I said taking my hand out to hug him.

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