What About Me?

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This is an idea from my @4madsxx friend! This is about Dior getting a little jealous of girls with Charlie! Then something amazing happens at the end! Enjoy!

*Dior's POV*
It's 6:00 and I'm about to go to a gala with my friends. My dad grove me this time. When I got there, the first person I hugged was Charlie. He's really taken on a toll on me. He's been a great friend and I really like his friendship with me. I don't know if he likes me but, I hope he does. When we got there we saw, Leah and Walker matching again. They're so cute. Then, Aryan had on his flowers. He always brought out that Grover vibe.

Charlie, mmm, he looks great. As always. Sometimes.... Anyways, he was wearing a black suit that looked so clean. Like it is fresh. I'm probably just being a sucker for him right now. I just hope I'm not flirting. That'll be weird. I don't know, I just feel like since last week, when he saved me from at crazy person, I find myself more drawn to him. I guess anyone would if they helped you and stuck up for you. I just kinda hop he feels the same way. Well, who I am kidding.... He does! Last night, he told me that he liked being around me, said it makes him feel good. I just responded by saying 'me too'. Yeah, I know it's pretty lame but, I didn't want to say too much.

Charlie was talking with a group of guys. It was time to take pictures so, he has to hurry it up. I tapped his shoulder. He turned around, grabbed my waist, and kept taking. I really hope my makeup was hiding the fact that I am blushing right now. I tapped his shoulder again. "What it, D?" He said softly. My heart seemed to melt. "Um... It's time to take pictures." I said with a smile. He's growing on me. "Oh, okay." He said getting closer to me. He smiled and turned around and told the group of guys he had to leave. In my head, I wanted to kiss his cheek but, also in my head, I didn't.

We took our pictures and Charlie went back to the fans. He started talking to a few girls. I just minded my business and talked to some other people. A guy wanted a picture with me and Charlie so, I went to get him. I tapped his shoulder. He just kept talking. "Char?" I said softly, taping his shoulder. He just kept going. "Charlie?" I said using my palm instead of my finger. "Just hold on, Dior." He said moving his shoulder and continued talking to the girls. "Charlie, a fan wants a picture of us." I said quickly. "Well, tell them that I'm busy." He said still looking at the girls. I walked away. Why the hell is that pissing me off? Why did he just completely push me to the side. Why did he only do that with the girls? That kinda hurt me. I went back to the fan. "He's busy right now." I said looking at Charlie. "Oh, okay. I didn't mind, I just thought you would've like to take one with him instead of me." The guy said. "My names Manuel, by the way." He said with a small smile. "Oh! I don't mind taking one with you, Manuel." I said grabbing his shoulder to take the picture. After he took he smiled. "Thank you." He said with a bigger smile. "Oh, you're welcome. Thank you for respecting my privacy. I appreciate it." I said while waving and walking away. He nodded and looked at his phone. "Well that was very kind of him." I whispered to myself.  After a while, Charlie came back to me.

*Charlie's POV*
"Hey, Dior." I said with a smile. She didn't say anything back. She just turned around. "Hey, why are acting like that?" I said turning back in her direction. She just struggled her shoulders. She looked upset. "Did I do something wrong?" I am so confused. She shrugged her shoulders again. "Well, do you want to talk about it?" I said, still just as confused. She gave me a 'really?' look and walked away. I was going to follow her but, I mean, if she's already mad at me for some reason, I'll just be making it worse. A fan wanted a picture with both of us. I walked up to Dior talking to a few people. I tapped her shoulder. "Hey. A friend wants a picture of us." I said softly. "Tell them I'm busy." She said while looking at the other people. "Ok-wait. Is that what you're mad at me for?" I said putting my hand on her shoulder. She walked away from everyone. "Yes! I tapped you once with those guys and you literally held me! But, when you were talking with those cute girls, you didn't give a crap about me! So yeah, that's what pissed me off." She said angrily. "Dior, I didn't mean to push you away like that." I said holding her arm. "Okay, well then, what were you talking about that was so important you couldn't come and take a picture?" She said crossing her arms. "Well. I mean..." I hesitated to tell her. "Exactly! Nothing! You just like how cute, sexy, white, and beautiful they were, right? And because I'm mixed right I'm not like that, right?!" She said raising her voice. "Door, that's not what I'm saying." I said holding her shoulders. "So, what are you saying then, Charlie?" She said lowering her voice. "They were talking about me as Luke. I kinda liked it." I said rubbing her shoulders. "Do you like me?" She said quietly and quickly.

"Yeah. I do. I really do." I said softly. She smiled. I moved my hands to her face and she put her hands on my shoulders. I slowly bent down to kiss her. Right when our lips were about to touch, she backed up. "Charlie..." she whispered. "Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie... Charlie." She said moving her hands to my chest. I backed away. "What?" I just wanted to kiss her. Why is she ruining the moment? "Uh, we're at gala... with like a thousand people." She whispered. "If you're insecure, I won't do it." I said completely backing up, still holding her face. She smiled softly. She grabbed my suit and pulled me to her lips. We kissed for about five seconds and let go and kissed again. We did this for like six times. When we broke apart she slightly bit her lip and I'm sure I blushed. We went back to the other people to take pictures. I guess she's not mad anymore. Thankfully.

*Dior's POV*
My crush kissed me, I kissed him. Dream come true? At this rate... Yes. That was amazing. I wonder if that means we're dating? Maybe? I think we are... Maybe... I don't really know yet. I might be moving too fast? Meh. I don't really care. I got a kiss from a lover boy! Mwah!

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