If You're Insecure, I'm Secure.

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First guys... HUGE thanks to @4madsxx for this! My goodness I love it so much! This is about Dior having an Anxiety attack so, Charlie is there to calm her down and finds out something else along the way. Enjoy!

*Dior's POV*
"So, we have all seen some moments with you Charlie. How's that going?" The interviewer asked me. "Well, it's going great! I'm really enjoying it and Charlie is the biggest supporter, he's like my protector, he's my best friend... He-he's my buddy. Whatever happens, he's always there. Like if I..." I cleared my throat as I thought about him. "Sorry." I put my finger to my mouth as I held back tears. "If I like, go through something, he's always there. And I love that. So, yeah. It's going amazing." I said finishing the question without tears. As I kept thinking about Charlie, I thought about unpleasant incident that Charlie helped me out with and stuck by my side.

(Season 1, Flashback)
"Hey. Knock it off, Clarisse. It's like his first day, come on."
"Wait so, this is the kid who killed the Minotaur. Is that right?"
"I'll bet. Look you want attention around here, dummy? You better be ready for it, when it comes."

"And cut!" The Director shouts. "Nice, Dior." He said as he gave Dior a high five. "Thanks." She said with a smile. A few minutes later, Charlie and Dior were watching Walker and others film. "He's good." Charlie said lightly taping Diors arm. She looked up at him with worry and concern. A shock ran through her body, soon, sweat flowed. "Dior, are... You o-okay?" Charlie asked in concern of his crush. "Um. Yes. Thanks." Dior responded with a simple, low-toned answer.

She sat for a moment and started to feel lightheaded. "Dior, if you need something, just let me know." Charlie said with concern for his friend. He said placing his hand on her shoulder. She started to feel dizzy, out of breath. Charlie knew something wasn't right. He was still understanding because, he respected Dior.

Dior slowly but surely started trembling. "Dior!" Charlie shouted as she almost fell off her seat. "Dior, I'm gonna pick you up, okay." Charlie said softly with a concerned expression. Dior simply nodded. Charlie carefully picked her up and took her to her cabin bed.

"Are you okay?" He asked with concern. "Ummm. Y-Yeah. I'm s-sorry." She said as her breath slowly began to drop. "Dior, hey. Just calm down. It's okay. You're good." He said rubbing his hand on her arm. She looked up at Charlie with gratitude. She started to control her breath as she sat up. Charlie sat beside her and rubbed her back, soothingly. "C-can I get... Some water?" She whispered. "Of course." Charlie said softly as he quickly got up to get her some water.

Moments later, it was time for Charlie to go back on set. "I'll be back. Just... Tell me if you're not feeling well." He said rubbing her back. "Okay, thanks Char." She said softly. She kept her eyes peeled to the floor. He left and Dior couldn't stop her mind from racing. I not too long after, Charlie came back.

"Hey, you still feeling bad?" He asked her softly. Dior was lying down on the floor. "N-no. Well, I don't feel bad I just... I don't know."  she said as she sat up and sighed. "Do you want to talk about it?" Charlie asked her softly. "No. It's fine. I'm fine." She said softly. They both slid back to put their backs on the bed. When she looked over, they were face to face. They both quickly looked down and slid away from each other. "Sorry." Charlie said quietly. "It's okay." Dior still hasn't like herself. She started to concern Charlie.

"You shouldn't be afraid to tell me. I won't pick or anything. Sometimes, it's better to open up, that way you don't have to worry about feeling alone." He said softly. He slid closer to her and put her hand over her shoulder. A sudden rush of love and affection flew through their bodies.

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