Darlie and Jeremy P7

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HEY GUYSS!! I'm dying to publish this! 😂😂😂

Dior got the cast in a dance movie, kind of like Step Up, and she was exited at first, but kind of not excited.

"Charlie!" She called from her room, sitting at her desk with Jeremy. "What's up?" He answered happily. Dior raised her eyebrows, looking at him and back the computer. He placed a hand on her shoulder, bending down to look at her computer. "You got casted!" He said excitedly. "I did!" Dior said with a chuckle.

"I knew you would get it." Charlie said with a grin, looking down at her. "Oh, how'd you know, bubba?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. "Because, you're so perfect for everything." Dior smiled at his comment. "I love you." She said softly. "I love you too." He said, as he pecked her lips.

"But, I'm kinda... If-y now." She said with an unsure tone, unconsciously rubbing her fingers through Jeremy's hair as he flipped through the pictured pages of a nature book. "Why?" Charlie inquired. "Because, I wanna... Be here. For him, you know?" She said softly.

"Babe, I can take care of him." Charlie said softly. "Baby, you can't even change his diapers without me." Dior said, shaking her head with a small smile. Charlie chuckled softly and said "I know I can do it. And how long will you be filming?" "A week." She said with a sigh. "Dior, you don't have to worry." "I know... Not really." She said, followed by a chuckle.

  "Di, you can't back down."
"Who says?"
   "Well, you're gonna disappoint them. And me. And Jeremy. And your mom. And Leah. And Walker. And-"
   "Okay! Okay! I get it! Jeez." She said with a chuckle.

"Hey. I'll visit. And... I will take care of Jeremy. Promise."
   "Okay. Quiz. Who often do you give him something to eat?"
"Every two to three hours."

   "Okay, how many times?"
"Five or six times."

   "When do you change his diaper?"
"Five?" He said hesitantly.
   "Six to eight, Charlie."
"Okay. Got it."

   "Can you even change his diaper?"

   "Mhmm. Eating times?"
"Seven is breakfast, Ten is snack, Twelve is lunch, Three is snack, and six is dinner."

   "Okay, I like that. Bedtime?"
"Seven to eight. No longer."

   "If he asks for ice cream?"
"Call you."

The two chuckled.
  "Are you sure you can do this?" Dior asked.
"Yes. I am." Charlie affirmed.
  "Okay." She said with a sigh, still not completely convinced by him.

*A week later*
Charlie had been taking care of Jeremy like a pro. Dior would FaceTime every second she had a break. Charlie and Jeremy went to watch Dior film for her second to last day of filming.

She's been rehearsing a dance with her dance partner, Thaddeus J. Mixson. Their dancing seemed so real. Their bodies touched, eyes locked on each other's, bodies flowing in sync and harmony.

 Their bodies touched, eyes locked on each other's, bodies flowing in sync and harmony

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Charlie and Dior Where stories live. Discover now