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This is about Charlie being a pain to Dior and she finds out why later on that he lost a loved one and didn't know how to cope. Enjoy!

*Dior's POV*
It's a nice day. I haven't heard from Charlie theese couple of days. He's only texted me. I haven't even heard his voice. So, I'm hoping I'm gonna see him today. Hopefully, he'll be willing to talk with me.

I called him to see if he'd want to hang out. "Hey, Charlie. How's it going?" I asked over the phone. "Good. You?" He asked with almost no expression. "I'm good. Are you okay?" I asked him softly. "I just said I was good." He said with annoyance.

"I'm s-sorry. Um... I-I was wondering if you'd want to hang out... I don't mind coming to your hou-you can come to mine... I just... Wanted to spend some time with you." I said hesitantly. Charlie never snaps at me. It kinda made me feel... A ain't scared or something.

"No, I'm sorry. I just... Yes. That'll be nice to have you over." He said softly, slowly but surely sounding like himself again. "Okay. Well, yeah... I'll be there. We can do whatever." I said with a smile. "Okay. See you, Darling." He said softly. "You too." I said as a smile came across my lips.

*Charlie's POV*
After a while, Dior and her mom arrived. I was pretty happy to see her. I haven't talked to her in a while because of something that happened to me that was just... Too painful to talk about.

I gave her a long hug and she kissed me as I kissed her. I felt her tongue enter my mouth and so mine entered hers. "Oh." I heard her mom exclaim quietly. We realized that we were doing that in front of her so, we broke an apart and smiled at each other. I hugged her again and gave her mom a small hug as well.

We went in my room and played around for a bit. "So, why haven't I seen you lately?" She asked as we sat on my bed to watch some movies. "It's nothing. I've just... Been busy." I said as I searched for movies, trying to avoid the truth.

*Dior's POV*
"So, what have you been doing that's keeping you busy? I might be able to help." I said as I leaned on his shoulder. "It's nothing, Darling. Don't worry about it." He said softly. I didn't want to just let him go through whatever it is without help.

"But-" I started to say something when he cut me off. "Dior, just forget about it. Nothing's wrong." He quickly as he closed his eyes. "Do you understand that I'm just trying to help?" I asked him as I got up, getting a little bit annoyed and frustrated.

"Yeah, but you're not. There's nothing you can do." He said with a straight face. I scoffed "So, even though I try to help, it's not..." I was going to finish and just sighed. "Whatever." I whispered as I sat back, avoiding him.

"Dior..." he said as I looked up at him. "T-that's not... what I meant." He said as he looked sad. I put my head down and scoffed. "You said what you meant." I said as I got up and left to give myself some clarity for his unexpected rudeness.

What even was that? Why is he pushing me away? What is he hiding? Why won't he tell me?! What's wrong with him?! A million thoughts raced through my head. I just went to the backyard to lay on the cold grass, confused, frustrated, and worried.

A few minutes later, Charlie came. "Dior... Can you please come back?" He asked me as he put his hand on mine. "Why?" I asked him moving my hand. "Just so you can manipulate me again?" I said as I pulled my knees to my chest.

"Dior, you're manipulating me." He said as he got annoyed. "Me?! Oh, I am, huh?! Well, completely disregard that fact that you completely won't tell me what the hell is wrong with you?! Disregarding the fact that I'm trying to help you and you push me away?! And now I'm manipulating you? Oh yeah, I guess cause I just went outside because I felt bad, right?" I said with my eyebrows scrunched and my heart racing faster than before.

He just didn't say anything and looked at me. He looked like he was about to cry. "Charlie. Just tell me. What's wrong?" I whispered. He looked down. And shook his head "I... It's fine." He said as he got up and walked away.

I couldn't help myself and cried with frustration and sadness. What's going on?! I just stayed outside all alone for about five minutes. My mom came out and asked me what was wrong. I just told her that I just need a minute to myself.

I stayed out for another two minutes and eventually made my way in. I was going to open the front door when, Charlie opened it first. He looked at me with tears in his eyes and hugged me.

At first my arms stayed down but, I couldn't resist the hug. So, I hugged him back tightly, as tears came from my eyes. I don't know what's wrong but, all I know is that he needed love.

*Charlie's POV*
I just hugged her. I felt so bad for the way I treated her. I instantly felt regret when she hugged me back. I know I was so wrong for that and there's nothing I could do to make it right but, I tried to make it better. The embrace lasted a while but, it felt so good to me.

She tried to break away from the hug but I wasn't ready to let her go so, I pulled her closer to me. I heard her cry and I did too. I'm not a soft adult but, I feel like it now.

After a while, I slowly let her go and cuffed my hands on her jawline. "I'm so sorry." I whispered. She looked confused. "Just tell me." She whispered.

I brought her inside, holding her waist and sat with her on my bed. I didn't want to tell her. But, I didn't want to put her through more stress. She doesn't deserve that.

I sighed and told her the hard truth. "My... Friends died. 3 of them. They were killed in a car accident. One of them was like my brother. The others were just really close to me." I said as I held her shoulder.

She turned and looked at me with a very sad face. "I'm... So sorry." She said as she started to cry. "No, Dior, it's okay. I shouldn't have pushed you away... I took it out on you. I never should've done that. You didn't deserve that. So, I'm sorry." I whispered.

A small smile grew on her lips and it made me feel good to know that she forgives me. "I love you." I said softly. "I love you too." She whispered with a smile. I hugged her again and kissed her for a moment. When we broke apart her eyes were still closed. "Dior?" I whispered softly.

A smile wiped across her face and she slowly opened her eyes, even though her eyelids seemed halfway closed. She sighed and grinned. "You're amazing." She said sluggishly. I snickered. "You too." I said with a soft chuckle. She laughed and pecked my lips again.

"Now, I'd like to fall asleep watching a movie, please and thank you." She said sluggishly. "Okay, sleeping beauty." I said with a chuckle. I sat on the bed and pulled her beside me. She laid her head on my chest and we drifted to sleep, watching a movie.

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