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I took a deep breath staring up at the large building. Years of being homeschooled did not prepare me for this. I had killed grown men but something about walking into this building was giving me serious doubt about how strong I truly am. The tall brick building full of teenagers, kids my own age. Years of being hidden away only working with adults was easier than this. I knew when Dad told me we were moving to Kansas it would be an adjustment, but I never expected he'd send me to an actual school.

I had been telling myself all morning I could do this, I would be perfectly fine. But I wasn't. Years of training and fighting, things that were truly scary didn't come close to the judgement and cruelty that teenagers lashed out. Being the new girl only gives them leverage to bully and pick on me. Was I trained to end their lives in a matter of seconds, Yes. Yes, I was. But I couldn't, that would be extremely wrong. I was defenseless, something I had never been before.  Loads of students walked through the front gates, the lawns full of smiling kids. Taking a deep breath I walk along like everyone else. Heading for the front doors that were opened wide, I step up the stairs heading inside. Even more students filled the halls. The loud noise of laughter and chatting filled the air, I could hardly hear my own thoughts. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest, my sweaty palms held tightly onto the straps of my heavy book bag. I felt like every eye I passed was glaring my way. I finally found my way to the main office, A smiling woman sat at the front desk. "May I help you, Sweetie?"

"I-I'm new. I came for my schedule." I try my hardest to smile, but the churning in my stomach was getting worse. "Name?" She continued to smile sweetly waiting for my response. "Hunter Kincaid." My voice low and shaky. I could tell she had a hard time hearing me but she just smiled even wider before opening a drawer. Pulling out a piece of paper and handing it to me. "Good luck sweetie."
"A teacher will most likely assign another student to show you around." My stomach dropped. My plan of staying to myself would most likely be destructed. "Thank you." I take the paper walking out. I wanted to leave this stupid place right now. I don't see why my Dad was so hell bent on me having normal high school experiences. I was much further along in my education while being homeschooled. I took it very seriously, treating it as another one of the many things I trained for. This was nothing but a set back.

I grumbled looking over the schedule. First class was starting soon and I hadn't a clue where I was going.  First I needed to find my locker and get things settled. I headed back for the busy hallway where some of the lockers lined the wall. I held onto the paper tightly, counting the few lockers I could see through the crowd. The number kept getting bigger as I searched.

Finally I see it, the tall tan locker that was assigned to me. I didn't waste time, I opened it stuffing a couple books I wouldn't need till later. I grabbed the lock I had brought with me and hung it on. The loud bell rang as students grabbed their things heading off. Great, now's the time to start worrying. I slam the metal door and heading off in a hurry.

I ran up the stairs, the halls had completely emptied and I was now the last one left. I was most definitely late now. The faster I searched the more I questioned myself. I should just give up, go back home and fight Dad harder about this. Worst comes to worst I could go live with Talia and train. As I was about to turn around and give up I saw the door I had been desperately looking for. History, what a horrible way to start my day. I open the door interrupting the teacher. Every eye moves on me. I wanted nothing more than to disappear. I would take a beating rather than be standing where I was.

"May I help you?" The young handsome teacher asked. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, I could get use to looking at that face. I pull my attention on what he had asked. "This is US history, right?" I ask like a deer in headlights. He chuckled, even his laugh was attractive. "You must be Miss Kincaid?" I shook my head in conformation. "Take a seat." I swallowed heading further into the room.  An empty desk sat in the far left corner of the room, perfect. "As you can see we have a new student today, Hunter Kincaid." I felt myself cringe up. I didn't need a full announcement. "I'm Mr. Johnson, and you'll eventually learn everyone else's name." He smiles before heading back into the lesson. I take a seat sinking further into it. I wanted to be invisible, completely invisible.

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