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Morning birds


The sun glared through my now open window shining through my closed eyes.Opening my eyes, dad stood beside the bed with a wide smile. "Rise and shine." I send him a mean glare. He only smiled wider trying to contain laughter. "You've got a busy day!" He Leans down to shake me from side to side to wake me up more. deep down I had wished it was all a dream. Yes, I was enjoying having a friend and being a normal teenager but I couldn't let Dad know that. "I don't wanna go." I whine.

"Breakfast is on the table. I've gotta head out." He heads for the door. "Another interview?" I groan trying to wake up. "Something like that." He leaves the room closing the door behind him. That was odd. I pull myself up from the warm bed that was practically calling my name. The cold morning air hit my skin sending goosebumps up my arms and legs. I was missing my bed more than ever and I had just stood up. I shrugged over to the closet pulling out the first few pieces of clothing I could find. When I wasn't training or on missions I usually just wore Jeans and t-shirts. I wasn't too fancy just basic clothes to fit in.

I got ready and headed down stairs. The further I got the more I dreaded school. Even if I did quit school I could still maintain a short friendship with Rory while we lived in Kansas. "don't even think about it." Dad's voice interrupts my thoughts. "What?" I cock an eyebrow at his sudden out burst. I take a seat sat the small table, He had sat out some cereal and made toast.

"I see your brain working, you're trying to get out of school." He takes a sip from his mug of coffee. I grumbled pouring a bowl of cheerios. He smirked. "I'm heading out to get some equipment for the trip tomorrow." I shake my head stuffing my mouth full. "I shouldn't be back till too late but you may have to eat alone." I just shrugged my shoulders. "Okay, just make sure you eat something." He chuckles. "I'm a grown man, I'm capable of remembering to eat." I look over my eye lashes giving him a 'really?' look. He rolls his eyes. "Okay, I'll make sure to eat." He places the empty mug in the sink. "just focus on school instead of worrying about me." I shake my head as he leaves the kitchen heading up the stairs.


I Opened my locker stuffing books inside. I was tired and felt a head ache coming on, which was aggravating me. "Hey, Hottie." Rorys appears beside me. "So Derek's family is going out of town this weekend, and of course He's throwing a party and you have to come." She cheers leaning against the wall of lockers.

"Can't sorry." I give her a weak smile. "What! You've gotta come." She whines. "My dad's going out of town this weekend and he's not big on me going to parties." I lied. He trusted me and knew I could take care of myself but I really didn't want to go and it was the only excuse that came to mind. She groans. "You could always sneak out?" She smiles trying to convince me.

"No way, he'd know." I chuckle rolling my eyes closing my locker. we both fall into a slow stride heading for our first class. "Hi." Derek smiles down at Rory as he joins us throwing his arm over her shoulder. "Hunters not coming to the party." I roll my eyes.

"Why not? I promise it won't be lame." He jokes, I playfully glare at the two over reacting. "Sorry, but maybe your next one." I smile. "Or I'll just convince you to come." Rory mutters with a smirk. I cock an eyebrow towards her.

"Sorry, but I try to avoid angering my Dad." They both roll their eyes. "you're a teenager, live your life." They clearly don't have parents like mine. "Just try to come?" She begs giving me puppy eyes, I roll mine. I guess going for a couple minutes wouldn't kill me. "I'll see." She breaks out smiling. "You'll have fun. I promise." She seemed so happy.

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