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...I'm Sorry


My alarm buzzed waking me up from a comfortable sleep. It was now Monday and Dad was still gone. As badly as I wanted to take a sick day and stay home I bed, I knew I couldn't. One way or another he'd know. I pulled myself out of the bed cursing the schools system. My dad couldn't have just let me stay homeschooled, his words exactly 'You'll enjoy the experience.' , I was so not enjoying it. 

I didn't waste time getting ready and heading to the kitchen. I was already counting down the days till the weekend. The rest of the house was dark and cold. Turning on the kitchen light ii head for the pantry. another bowl of cereal or toast? I ask myself leaning my head against the small door. A loud bang at the door drawls my attention. I can't believe it, he's actually back when he said he would be. 

I head the front door opening it, I wasn't expecting to the spunky short brunette with an apologetic face. "Hunter, You're alive!" She cheers practically knocking me down with a death grip of a hug. "R-Rory, I-I cant breathe." I choke out. She finally lets go. "sorry, why wont you answer your phone?" She asks concerned. "I've been really busy." I was feeling guilty now for ditching her. "I'm sorry about Friday." She looks down at her feet. "I shouldn't have ditched you like did."

"Rory, it's fine." She looks back up wide eyed. "Really?" 

"At first I was a little upset but I realized it was stupid. I know you didn't do it on purpose." I smiled. "Oh Hunter, you're the best!" She hugs me again. "I'll buy you breakfast." She cheers. After having nothing but microwave meals and cereal for the past three weeks a good breakfast sounded amazing. "Fine, if we must." I sarcastically roll my eyes smiling. "Get your stuff." She jokes pushing me. 


I was now sitting in a sticky old waffle house booth across from Rory. We didn't have much time till we needed to be at school but being late was definitely worth it. "So what were you busy doing all weekend?" She smiled drenching her waffles in maple syrup. I could help but smile at how happy something so simple made her. "Oh, with my dad out of town I ran some errands and unpacked some boxes that were sitting in the garage." I fibbed. The closer Rory and I grew the harder it was getting to lie. Of course she believed everything I said, But the growing guilt was getting to me. I had only known her a little over a week but I feel like she's always been in my life. In fact for once I feel normal. It was like waking up a new person. New name, new home, new lifestyle. I couldn't lie it was growing on me, but I knew the longer life stayed like this the worse it would affect me in the long run. "Sounds fun. Can I ask you something?" 

"No." I smirked. She rolled her eyes continuing to speak. "What happened at the party?" She seemed nervous bringing it up. "Nothing really, after I lost you I left." 

"Hm, So Wallys text to Derek wasn't anything to do with you?" My eyes grew wide I'm sure. I had honestly forgotten about the fight. The whole almost dying and turning for the better had been most of my thoughts. "What did he say?" I leaned forward interested. I'm sure wally had something smart to say about me. "Just that Jessica was getting on his nerves and something about 'Great now she's going after Hunter.' and "I gotta ditch, Keep Hunter and Jessica separated before they start swinging again.', Ring any bells?" She cocked an eyebrow. I smiled awkwardly. "well...I guess something did happen." 

"I was trying to find you and she started attacking me, so I stood my ground. Wally jumped in and kicked me out. Thats all I swear." I hold my arms up surrendering. "Hunter! Why didn't you tell me? No wonder you ignored me all week." She looked disappointed. "It wasn't a big deal honestly." I shrug my shoulders digging into my hash browns. "How'd you get home?" She asks. "Walked." She looked even more shocked now.  "I'm a horrible friend." She whines out letting her head hit the table causing it to shake along with our plates. "No you're not. You're an amazing friend Rory." I correct her quickly. I couldn't have her believing that. If anyone was a bad friend it was me. "Were you okay? I'm sure that was a long cold walk." She looks up still keeping her chin on the table. Do I tell her? I lied about everything else in my life, what would she think about this? 

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