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The Movies


The door bell rings as I jab an earring in my ear. "I'll get it!" I yell taking off in a sprint. I run down the stairs holding onto the railing for dear life, sadly I didn't make it in time. My dad stood by the open door inviting everyone in. Rory smiles as she notices me race down the stairs. "You guys can take a seat." My dad smiles shutting the door. All of them had already walked over to the couch and sat down as a gave my dad a stern look. "Any drinks?" He smiles following me towards them. "sure, why not." Rory smiled and wally and Derek agreed with her. No Jessica? That was odd. "Water, Sprite, or coke?" I smile. they each reply as I head into the kitchen to retrieve the drinks. I can hear my dad instantly start to grill them for information, but I'm sure to them it sounded like a father trying to get to know his daughter's friends. Walking back into the room Dad is shaking hands with Derek and introducing himself. I hand Rory Hers and his drink and turn to give Wally his. "Wally West, pleasure to meet you sir." He stands up shaking my dad's hand. "You're Wally, I've heard about you." He smiles. I kick his shin causing him to clear his throat. "You can call me Benjamin." Dad finally back away and goes to a near by chair to sit in. I couldn't hide the faint blush on my cheeks as I hand him the drink. Why of all people for him to say that to, why Wally? 

"Well, guys we better get going. don't wanna be late." I awkwardly laugh trying to put a move on this uncomfortable moment. "It was really nice meeting you." Wally nods to my Dad. "You kids be careful." 

"As always sir." Derek smiles as him and Rory stand up in unison. "twelve seems like a reasonable curfew?" Dad looks to me. "Yes sir." I nod my head. Rory grabs my hand pulling me with her to the front door. I wave good bye as the boys follow us out. Wally keeping his eyes on me the entire time. Walking down the sidewalk we all get into Dereks black car. Of course Rory had to sit beside her boyfriend, leaving Wally and I in the back. 

He starts the car backing out of my driveway. Rory already hooking her phone to aux and hitting play. The loud music drowns out all other sounds. I kept my eyes looking out the window and Wally seemed to keep his staring at the back of the headrest. We ride in silence most of the way till I finally get the nerve to ask. "Why didn't Jessica come?" I turn to the ginger having to practically yell over the music. "She's coming. She's meeting us there." The sinking feeling took over. I had never wanted to scream so bad. I wish I had lied and got out of this now. I took a deep breath and faked a smile. "cool." I turn my head back to where is was the entrire ride. "You talk about me?" I can hear the smirk in his voice. I curse myself for even mentioning his name to dad. I look back trying to be weird. "I talk about all my friends." I fake an excuse. His smirk only grows darker. "So we're friends?" I'm just digging this hole deeper. "Well- uh we have the same friend groups so, I guess." Was it weird to call him my friend? I know we didn't get along the best but he wasn't a fumbling fool all of the time. "Yeah, of course we're friends. I only buy my friends popcorn." He smiles looking back away. I couldn't stop myself from smiling and looking straight too.  


Walking into the theater it felt unreal. This place was huge. People walking around with buckets and drinks laughing and carrying on. I can't believe I had missed out on this. I probably looked like a kid in a candy store the way I looked around in all directions in amazement. I heard a laugh from behind me before a hand wrapped about mine pulling me. I look around seeing wally drag me to a concession stand. A chill runs down my spine and the warmth of his hand is kind of comforting. We stop behind a couple waiting a couple of seconds till we step up."two large popcorns, a large coke, and a large-" He looks over at me for an answer. "Drink?" 

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