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I sit at the kitchen table pouring a bowl of cereal. I hadn't gotten much sleep last night, my brain running a mile a minute wasn't helping much. The communicator still lite up from the counter. After last night I had the sudden urge to train. Of course I was now alone and had no one to 1v1 with but nothing a bokken and wooden dummy wouldn't fix. 

after I ate I didn't waste time to change and head back down to the base. Dad had made adjustments to the house before we moved in thanks to some of his connections. Our so normal house had a not so normal secret room that was an only accessed by those in the system. We had a pretty large back yard and under that was mostly the hidden room. Dad had requested it to be pretty large, enough room for training, research, and other things we might need for missions. Of course I hardly worked much anymore and I probably wouldn't see another mission till I graduated. 

After tons of thinking I had come up with a plan. I was stupid for seriously considering it but I had to take chances. Getting back on training and collecting old weapons from our collection, I could get away with the whole hero thing without him even noticing. I felt like Dave Lizewski from kick-ass. 

Heading in the room I headed straight for the wardrobe. I don't think my Dad has ever thrown anything away. I pulled back the small door revealing a closet lined with different suits and disguises. He even had an entire drawer dedicated to fake ID's and passports. I knew exactly which one to steal, he would never even notice its missing nor recognize it if he stumbled across it. A friend from the league had rewarded me with it. Its was a black skin tight suit with very faint sticked of dark blue. the material was very heavy duty and strong. Black holsters wrapped around the legs for knives, the waist had a short utility belt that could be used for gadgets. Of course it had a loop for a katana to be stopped into, but I could make it work with a bo-staff. 

I dug through several drawers  before finally come across it at the very bottom. hit was as good as new. Practically never worn. putting everything back in place I head for the weapons. They covered an entire wall and more some. if there was one thing about my Dad he always took extreme care of his weaponry collection. 

taking it all in I notice something id never seen before. Hung on the far edge looked like all the other sticks. I reached up grabbing ahold of it. It was black and small, a very slim button sat on the side of it. here goes nothing, I take a deep breath before pressing it. The sides of the retractable staff pop out, this one was different from the rest, a dark blue glow came from it. almost like a light saber from Star Wars. Im sure he wouldn't mind if I 'Borrowed' it. I laid it and my suit on a near by desk before going to pick out gadgets. My father and his friends loved making anything and everything. and a lot of the time it worked in my favor. I grabbed some shurikens and other random knick-knacks. I wasn't sure how half on them worked yet but I'm sure with time I'll catch on. Of course last but not least I needed a way of tracking and hunting down criminals. A way to hack into police scanners. Opening up my father's personal work bench drawer I find an old wooden box. Exactly what I was looking for, my father had built basically computers but for your arms. it was like a watch that used holograms and special technology. If I wanted to track someone all if have to do it place a bug and with the help of this watch I could track them for miles. It could also hack almost anything.

I wasn't sure how he had done it but I'm almost positive the plans for it came from Bruce Wayne, big time Billionaire in Gotham City. I haven't a clue how he got his hands on it but I've seen the lay out and sketches and they all have Wayne Enterprises etched in the corner.  

Heading out of the room I head back to my bedroom to hide what I had taken. My phone buzzed in my pocket a couple times before a call rang through. Pulling it out I'm met with Rorys contact. I decline it turning my ringer off and putting it back in my pocket. I wasn't mad or anything I just really needed a break. I'm not use to having friends around my twenty four seven. and After last night I need time to think. Plus this stupid idea of mine is going to take all weekend to construct. 

Walking into my messy room I had cleaned out a random drawer in my wooden dresser to keep my things. I'm sure my Dad wouldn't think of looking there. He knew if I really wanted to hide something it would be under a floor board or vent,  putting it somewhere obvious would throw him off. All II needed now was a mask or some way of covering my face. during my sleepless night I had been researching superhero from all over. Batman and Robin, Superman, Aquaman. There were tons. Most of them either showed their faces or wore domino masks. That just didn't feel right to me. I wanted my face to be hidden and dark. I was considering a lower face mask and color contacts. It would be simple to buy those items and would be officiant. 

I hid the suit and other things and began getting ready, I wanted to run into town and get some of the things I didn't have. I needed to use this time alone to prepare and make sure I was doing the right thing. 


I had everything I needed, I had just left a hard ware store that surprising sold what I was looking for. Heading down the street on my home something caught my eye. A small locally owned boutique. A leather jacket wrapped around the mannequin tin the front idea. I had a stupid idea but it was worth a shot. I headed inside the store making my way to the rack of jackets. They had so many options, different colors, styles, but the basic black stood out to me. I check the price tag making sure I had enough money to buy it. Finding my size I head to the cashier. My phone kept buzzing in my pocket and was beginning to annoy me. I'm sure it was a just Rory. I pull it out reading one of the hundred messages she had sent me. She was more worried about whether my body was lying in a ditch or if I was just angry at her. I turned my phone off still staring down at it. Was I a bad friend? I had never experienced this, but I'm sure ignoring her wasn't the best idea. But I truly didn't know what the proper way of going about this was. I just needed a sort break and then I'll be back by Monday.   I was about to put my phone back in my pocket when I rammed into something. My phone fell onto the ground. Looking a up a sweet lady with brown hair smiled at me. "I-I am so sorry!" I apologize squatting down to grab my phone. "It's okay honey. I wasn't paying attention either." Something about the lady was vaguely familiar.  "Mary, is this the brand you wanted?" A beautiful red headed woman walked around the corner. Walking up to us she takes notice of my presence. The lady turns to Mary giving her a confused look. "Iris this is-" She looks at me silently asking me to answer. "Hunter." I smiled catching on. "Nice to meet you." She smiled. "Iris Allen." She holds out her hadn't to shake. I meet her hand half way shaking it. "And I'm Mary West." She smiles also reaching her hand out. "It's really nice meeting you two. and I'm sorry about running into you." I smile shaking her hand. 

"It's not a problem." 

"Mom, Is it cool if I-" The voice that was approaching us from behind pauses. "What are you doing here?" Turning around I'm met with the last person I wanted to see right now. His race was turning as red as hid hair. "Wallace, be nice." I hear Mary scold. Wallace? Oh I was so using that against him. "Shopping. People like to do that in stores." I smile trying to keep a good impression for his Mom. I was still confused about who second woman was. Maybe he had two moms? Lesbians? or maybe that was his sister. He muttered an apology to his mother but glared down at me. Turning back to the woman I smile sweetly. "Well, it was really lovely meeting you two, but I better get going." I smile prepared to make my exit. They both smile. "Hope to meet you again someday." I smile nodding my head walking away. I could still feel his gaze burning holes in the back of my head. I would love to meet his mother again one day, she was sweet. but I could do without ever seeing Wallace again. 

After paying and leaving I was all set to start my plan. "Wish me luck." I thought out loud heading back to my house. 


This wasn't my best but it will do. Next chapter should be much more interesting an we will finally get action. 

vote and comment! <3 

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