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Getting to know you


I felt so stupid. I found myself sitting on the side of a building looking over the city waiting for any sign of Kidflash. My mind hadn't stopped thinking about Wally, he was probably busy making out with Jessica at her house. For some stupid reason the idea of that was bothering me. I couldn't stop repeating what Jessica had said. Wally was only being nice because Derek asked him to?  In a way I wanted to confront him, but I didn't want it to come across that I cared. I shouldn't care, whether Wally West liked me or not I couldn't care less. "Something on your mind?" I could hear his stupid voice now, he sounded like he was right behind me. I swear that ginger haunts me. "Are you okay?" I felt someone step closer to me. That was Wally for sure. I flipped my head around meeting Kidflash. He came! Man he sounded just like...oh my Gosh. No that was impossible. Wally was with a girl right now, there is no way he could be Kidflash. He looks at me scared."Are you okay?" He asks again placing a hand on my covered shoulder. I shake off the feeling. I'm sure they just sounded alike. "I'm fine." I laugh off awkwardly. "What are you doing?" I ask trying to carry on a conversation. He shrugs his shoulder taking a seat on the ledge beside me. "better now." He smirks looking over the city. I roll my eyes. "I haven't seen you in a couple days?" 

"Been looking for me?" I smirk turning to look at him. "Maybe, you intrigue me." I couldn't stop from blushing, thankfully my mask and hood covered it. "I could say the same thing." He turns to look at me now. His goggles that covered his eyes were on his forehead now giving me a clear view of his green eyes. I cursed myself for comparing them to Wallys eyes. I knew it was impossible but they looked so much alike. "you're staring." He smiles. I turn my head looking away quickly. "I don't mind. I'd be looking too." He says in a cocky tone flexing his arm. I throw my arm out hitting him in the gut causing him to double over. "What was that for?" 

"You're acting like someone I know." Is that way he seemed so familiar the first time I talked to him? Maybe Wally had speedster family, or maybe he-...thats ridiculous. But that would explain why he is always so hell bent on everyone loving hero's. "Good someone I hope?" I really didn't know how to answer that right now. Normally it wouldn't be good, but lately wed been getting along. But after what Jessica told me, I should hate him again. "Yeah, depends on the day." He laughs hearing my response. "If he's anything like me, I could understand that." It was my turn to laugh this time. "Boyfriend?" That was bold of him to ask. Wally obviously wasn't my Boyfriend but the question got me thinking. Not just what it would be like to be his girlfriend, but to be a girlfriend. My life never really involved boys till recently. I always assumed if I did have a boyfriend it would be someone in the league. I hate the chance to find someone who I could trust and tell everything too, but I couldn't. How would someone react to finding out the person they fell in love with was a top of the line assassin? I know if it was new to me I'd be pretty upset. I shook the idea off finally answer his question. "No, just an annoying friend." He shakes his head. "You sure had to think about that." He teases. "You like this 'friend'?" He asks using finger quotes when saying 'friend'. "No." I was quick to answer. "It's an odd situation." I wanted to change the subject fast before I said too much. "What about you? I'm sure you've got tons of girls fanning over you." He shrugs his shoulder thinking. "Nah, Life's pretty busy for me. Relationships never work, they eventually pick up on the fact I'm hiding a bug secret and they get mad when I can't tell them." 

"What about dating someone like you?" I felt like I was stating the obvious. He snorts. "It doesn't really work that way." I wasn't sure what he meant by that. "In your little team of heroes there's no girls? Or boys, if you're into that. I'm not judging." I throw my hands up surrendering. He laughs shaking his head. "I'm straight." He smiles. "There's a few girls. Miss Martian, she's a total babe. Artemis, she can be a little bitchy at times. Zatanna, she's hot but she's also got the hots for Rob." 

"Take the Martian out then." I couldn't believe we were having this conversation. "Are you crazy? And have Superboy on my ass. I don't think so." I roll my eyes. How was I supposed to know? "Okay, The bitchy one?" 

"Artemis? Yeah, we had a very brief thing for a while. We're cool now, but we both agreed not to ever get into that mess again." This was a lot more confusing than I thought. "Are those the only female heroes?" 

"For one yourself I would hope you'd know a little about the subject." He now sounded like Wally. "I only know about a couple." He smirks. "Do I fall under that?" I rolled my eyes refusing to admit he in fact was. That he was the one who got me to this point. "Back to your love life." He chuckles. "I'll take that as a yes." We continue to tell me about everyone on the team. Especially Robin, his best friend. Conversation flowed from one subject to the next. We discussed his Team to our favorite ice cream toppings. It felt unreal to be having this conversation. Something more grew other than a friendship, A desire to know what was behind the mask. I hated to admit the more I looked at him the more he looked like Wally West, but it was becoming impossible to not see it. It couldn't be impossible I suppose, just unrealistic. "Cherrys are the best of course!" He states factually. "Agreed, I don't understand people who use strawberries instead." He fakes a shiver like what I had just said was horrifying. "Some people just have horrible taste." I shook my head agreeing with him. "Have you tried the ice-cream parlor down town beside the grocery store?" He asks. "I can't say I have. Would you suggest it?" I could easily place it. I had gone to the store many times since we moved here to pick a couple items up for dad and had to always fight the urge to go in there when passing. Now there would be fighting it, next time it was in my sight I would be going inside. All because Kidflash mentioned it. "It's so crash." My heart dropped. He didn't just say that, did he? The only person I had ever heard say 'crash' was Wally. The impossible seemed to be coming true. Was Wally really Kidflash? I couldn't flat out ask. I needed to come up with a way to figure out without him finding out who I was. If this was Wally I'm sure he'd put two n two together quickly, If he hadn't already. I looked down at my watch seeing the time. 4:57 am. I needed to get home soon. Dad would be up in a little and I'm sure if he didn't check to make sure I was in my room he would hear me sneak back in. "I really hate to do this, but I've gotta go. It's really late." I send him an apologetic even though he can't see it, but I'm sure from the tone of my voice he can tell.  

"It is late." He smiles. "Hopefully I'll see you again soon?" He smiles standing up on the ledge offering me a hand. I gladly take it, once I'm on my feet he holds my hand for an extra second before letting go. I was a blushing mess under this hood. "Very soon. Be careful out there." 

"Always am, I expect the same from you." I salute causing him to chuckle. "Yes Sir." 

He rolls his eyes pulling his goggles over his eyes. "later babe." With that he was gone in a streak of light. I felt lonely now, but also a sense of calmness. After this evening that conversation really calmed me down. I felt new and refreshed. He had put a smile on my face, I only hoped I had done the same. I headed back home, I didn't waste a minute once I arrived. Everything was thrown in the drawer and closed and I was in bed out of it. 

I guess this night ended better than I thought. Even though it was hardly night now, The clock read 5:39 am. Taking a deep breath I knew I would be sleeping in this morning. 


I did it!! Hopefully the writers block is gone now, chapter 14 will be out very soon!! 

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