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Who the Kid?

Walking into what should have been an empty bank two gunmen stood in the middle of the large room. Hearing us enter all eyes and guns were on us. "Stop or we shoot!" One of them yell echoing throughout the empty building. "Really?" KF smirks not stopping. I turn to see Robin had completely disappeared. I was surprised to see he had gotten by me without notice, he was good. "We aren't playing games, stop right there." I kept the same pace following beside the speedster. He didn't seem to take there threats seriously either. I'm sure they were brave enough to actually shot but to shot at us would be a mistake. I knew He was much faster than a bullet and dodging one would be a piece of cake for me. "Stop!" He yells. The closer we get the shakier the mans hand gets. It was obvious he was young and didn't know what he was doing. His whole body was shaking, his eyes almost had tears.

"Please stop." He begs, once he realizes we're not stopping he closes his eyes and presses the trigger. Wally leaps to the side. "Weak." The other man finally speaks up shooting his gun in my direction. I drop low the bullet going over head. By time I'm back on my feet bullets fly everywhere. the man unleashing the whole gun at us. KF takes off leaving a blur in his train, the men fall to the ground and KF appears back beside me. The smirk on his face says it all. He's so proud of himself.

"Where's Rob?" I ask facing Kid. He shrugs his shoulders. "He does that a lot." Part of me was a bit pissed he just up and left us to do the fighting. When I got my hands on that little bird boy. I shook my head. The sound of loud foot steps come running into the room. I turn around quickly to see about seven masked men with guns. They yell and made themselves very known. "Put your hands in the air." One voice louder than the others. They began to surround us. "Plan?" Kidflash asks as our backs knock against one another. "I was hoping you had one." I joke. I knew we could easily make it out of here alive with no problems. But they didn't need to know that. "Maybe if bird boy didn't ditch us." I voice using this as my time to make my option known. I hear him snort a laugh before a psychotic laugh breaks out filling the space. Everyone goes still not moving a muscle. Some of them men begin to point their guns at the ceiling flashing lights and demanding who ever it was to come out. "Thats our cue." Someone whispers in my ear before taking off in a flash. I shake it off and grab ahold of my Bo-staff and take off towards the nearest man. Thankfully his focus was on the ceiling so he didn't see my attack coming until I had jumped onto his back. I bring the staff to the front of his neck pulling it back choking him like I had Robin earlier. The man begins to try and shot towards me but thankfully the recoil from the gun knocked it out of his hand. The bullet going through the ceiling leaving a small hole. His hands reach up trying to pry the stick away from him. One of the other men notice and begin to shoot our way. I pull back on the stick one last time hearing a snap. Once the body went limp I roll off and let it off to the ground. I twirl the stick behind me looking up to see the other man shooting my way. Robin was across the room fighting two men, KF was having fun torturing the men with tricks. So much for a slow night. I charge at the next man swinging my stick at him and he backs up dodging my hits. Once he's against wall I hold the end to his chest pressing hard. "Drop the gun." I demand. He smirks holding it up preparing to shoot. I roll my eyes and kick my leg up knocking it from his hand. His eyes grow large.

I retract backwards and quickly stab forward. The tip heading straight for the mans chest. In a yelp he drops to the ground barely missing the impact. It goes through the wall instead. I steady my feet so I don't fly into the wall also. Pulling it back out of the wall the man backs away from me. "Let's go." Another voice yells from across the room. I turn to see four more men running out of the bank with bags stuffed full. I turn around to see KF taking out the last few men and Robin heading to run after the men. I turn back to deal with the man but he was heading out the door running. I look across making eye contact with Robin, he gives me a nod and we both take off after the men. Running out the front door the last two men climb into a van as it's taking off. I don't waste time running after it. The back door was still open and if I was fast I could reach it in time. The sound of police sirens sounded near by but it was the last thing in my mind.

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