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The Girl In the Alley


A loud scream echoed through a near by alley catching my attention. This was the first little bit of action I was getting. I jumped up running across to the opposite side of the roof. Sure enough, a young girl in her early twenties was backed against a corner by three large men. I could barely see her face from the darkness, the light coming from a near by light post. "I'm gonna die." She cried out before one of the men finally jumped her. She tried to scream out again but he covered her face with his hand. He gave the other men orders, Looking around they began to move forward joining the man.  This was my cue. 

I quietly climbed down the fire escape before jumping down, Catching the mens attention. They quickly jumped up turning around. "Who are you?" The shortest one of them grumbled. I shrugged my shoulders refusing to answer. "Get lost." The other man growled. the three men were not very attractive and looked as if they had been living on the streets after escaping a prison. "I'd rather stay."

"I suggest you leave, now." Finally the man in the middle speaks. I'm guessing he was there 'leader'. 

I could hear the faint cry of the poor girl who was lying on the ground in a ball, she looked petrified. I felt so bad for her. "Let the girl go." I glared, my eyes were covered by the hood but I'm sure they could feel it. They are start to laugh in unison. "Fine, stay and watch." One of them says before they turn back around. "Fine, have it the hard way." I scoff walking forward. Grabbing ahold on the tallest one's shoulder and pulling him back my direction, my fist meets his face.   He stumbles back almost stepping on the poor girl. The man to the left immediately tried to jump me. I stepped backwards grabbing my bo-staff off my side. The other man comes charging towards me.  Holding it towards him and hitting the button it flies open hitting the man in the stomach. He doubles over but it doesn't take long for the other two to charge at me again. 

I don't waste time ducking and using the stick to hit one of them in the throat, using my legs to swipe under the others causing him to fall. "Thats it." One of them mumbled running for me. he swings at me, I grab his wrist turning and begin to twist it. I groans out in pain as his arm folds backwards. Taking a side step pulling him forward holding his arm behind his back. He crying out as I use my foot to push him into the near by brick wall. He folds to ground groaning in pain. His nose was busted and his face was now covered in blood. Of course the other two had already recovered and charged at me from behind. I used the staff to hit one In the forehead. Turning around kicking the other one in the groan. "Okay, are we done here?" They all groaned on the ground. "Take the bitch, she's not worth it." The man says, his nose was defiantly broken. His entire mouth and neck was coated in the blood. 

I stepped forwards placing my boot over his hand. "Try again." He looked up fearful. "I said you could have her." He defends himself. Stepping down, his hand crunches. "She's a woman, not aa bitch." He cries in pain. "No, NO! Woman. Take the woman." He corrects himself. "Better." I step off. "Don't let me catch you again." I leave him stepping over to the girl, She seemed scared as I got closer. Leaning down I offered a hand to help her up. She accepted my help standing up. She was. little taller than me and had beautiful long brunette hair. "You're okay." She smiled. She engulfed me in a hug. "Thank you." She cried out letting go. I couldn't stop from smiling under my mask. "Just my job. Do you need me to walk you home?" I offer. "Thank you, but I'll be fine. It only a few more blocks." With that she thanks me one more time before leaving. The two other men had crawled over to the other man, they leaned against the wall holding onto their wounds. "We'll go in peacefully." One of the men says looking down. I hadn't exactly worked out what I was going to do with the people I stopped. "I'll let you go, just this once. I catch you again you'll go in unable to walk." I scolded them walking off. They seemed surprised. I headed back up the fire escape into the dark. Once I was out of view I leaned against the side of the roof taking a breather. That was awesome! 

I felt good. I saved that girl from going through something horrible. It was pretty late and I had school in the morning. I headed off the roof heading home. 

What she didn't realize is someone had been watching the fight from the roof top across the street. He was definitely impressed to say the least. 


Sneaking through the window I shut it and pull my shades down. I take the hot mask off breathing in the cool air. I was so unbelievably tired. I peeled of my jacket throwing everything into my open empty drawer. peeling off the suit and adding it to the drawer. I grab some shorts and a t-shirt pulling them on. After I was completely changes and hide everything I headed out of my room into the bathroom. "Where have you been?" A deep voice asks from the dark hallway. The light flips on revealing my dad. A white sling held his arm up and a few cuts scattered his scarred face. "I-I went out with a friend." I lie. "What happened?" 

He smiles. "Snuck out? I know I should be mad but I'm actually pretty proud." He laughed walking forward. "Had a run in with the big bad bat." He looked down at his arm. "I swear, these stupid 'superheros' should be slaughtered." He grumbles. I felt my heart drop. This just answered my question on how he would react to what I've been doing. "Well, I'm heading to bed. As your father at least try and get some sleep before school." He smiles. "I've stayed up a straight fifty-two hours for a mission. I think a couple hours will be more than enough." I joke. 

"I raised you good." With that he walks into his bedroom closing the door. 

I took a deep breath heading into the bathroom. Everything would be okay, He'd never even know what I'm up to.


This was a probably a mess but it as fun to write. 

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