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New people


I sat in my final class of the day, I was practically at the edge of my seat waiting for the bell to ring at any second. Today had been the slowest and hardest day yet. I could hardly keep up with the teachers and what little break I did get I spent it in the library resting. It was the only place I could think of that Rory wouldn't look in. I hated being that way but I was so tired I could hardly function. I was deeply regretting going on patrol last night, it was a dull night with nothing much going on.But I had lost track of time waiting around and didn't get in till pretty early.

I had definitely gotten use to sleeping through the night without interruptions. I knew Dad planned on being very strict tonight during training. He alway was after a break, but this had been the longest break I had taken. I wanted to go home take a nap till I was called for, simple enough.

I started to drift off feeling my eye lids getting heavier, my brain slowing down. "Miss Kincaid." a faint voice in the back off my mind shouted. "Miss Kincaid."

"Miss Kincaid." I loud smack against my desk woke me. My eye shoot open to an angry Ms. Marie. "Home is for sleep, when you're here in MY class room I expect your full attention." He sternly glares. A thread was holding me back from rocking this old bags shit, but the last thing I needed was suspicion and my Dad getting involved. "Yes Ma'am." I grumbled keeping my face stone cold. "Now answer my question. what is-" The bell interrupts her before she can continue to speak. Everyone begins to grab their things. "The bell doesn't excuse you, I do." She calls out stopping everyone. I was so close.

"Miss. Kincaid. Explain the Red Cross Knight and the monster Error as symbolic characters. And include the title and the author of the work." She gives me a tight lipped smile expecting me to fail. I stared her in the eye. Her face showed it all. she was happy and pleased she had proved a child wrong. She found pleasure in making someone feel senseless. It was most likely the only pleasure she had in her pathetic life anymore. The corners of her mouth turned up. "That's what I thought." She turned to walk back to the front of the class room. "In The Faerie Queene by Edmund Spensor, the Red Cross Knight symbolize both the virtue of Holiness and the typical Christian who seeks after Holiness, who thus must battle Error with the whole armor of God. The monster Error symbolizes false religious doctrines that lead men to spiritual destruction in Spenser's view, the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church." She stopped mid way up the isle of seats clearing her throat and turned back towards me. Her brown eyes meeting my green ones. Her matted hair that was thrown into a bun was falling down. Her face was steaming with anger. "Class dismissed." She doesn't take her eyes off me. Everyone else grabs their things and heads for the door. I follow behind but keeping my eyes locked to hers. She didn't scare me. The worst she could do is call the principal who would then call my Dad.

I break away from her glare and head for the door ignoring everything and everyone around me. Rory followed me out. "First of all, that was bad ass. Second, I would really love to stay and talk about that but I start ballet today at the dance studio and I don't want to be late." She smiles running up beside me as we head down the hallway. I smirk looking over at her. "Thanks. So you're joining Dereks classes?" She cocked an eyebrow. "How'd you know?" A wide smile breaks on my face. "Who do you think talked him into telling you."

"Thank you." She leaned up kissing my cheek. "You're a doll." I blush at her compliment. "Any good friend would have done the same." We give each other one last smile before she smacks my butt and running away. "Hey!" I yell she only gets further away but the sound of her laughter can still be heard. I stop at my locker grabbing my things before heading towards the doors. "Ms. Marie is going to be after you now." I knew that voice to well. The redhead walks up beside me keeping with my pace. "Too bad."

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