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Fights and candy


I tried so hard to pay attention to the movie but the sound of Rory and Derek making out was making it harder and harder. As upset with him as she was earlier she got over it very quickly. Thank God Wally seemed to be keeping his hands off Jessica. Which I wouldn't care anyways, but I don't want to feel like being the only single person here.

A monster jumped at the screen cause everyone paying attention to jump. I could see Jessica scoot closer to Wally acting as if she was scared. She was pathetic, she wouldn't last an hour in a movie. Wally seemed to look uncomfortable the closer she got. I'm sure that wasn't the cause but he had scooted further down in his seat, Mansplained and laid both of his arms on the back of Jessica and I's seat. His knee hitting mine as he spreads his legs wider. He had run out of food and I'm sure he was dying for more. "I forgot." He whispered reaching into his back pocket pulling out a small yellow box. Of course he had back up candy. He began opening the package and shaking the box looking for the best piece. "I hate those, you shouldn't eat them." Jessica butts in. "Who doesn't love Sour Patch kids?" He rolls his eyes playfully finally picking a piece. Holding it out to me, catching my eye to look at him. "What?" I whisper. "Take it." he smiled. I can already tell this is aggravating Jessica more than anything. I happily abide taking the candy and sticking into my mouth. the sourness hits and I begin to chew. My eye twitches shut with a prune face. I hear Wally chuckle. The sourness becomes sweet very quickly, really sweet. I could eat these forever. A smile breaks across my face, "I guess you liked it?" He shakes the box one more time holding it out for me to take another. I gladly take another one trying a different flavor. I peacefully share the box with Wally.

The end credits role and the lights turn back on, Rory and Derek still going at it as if they were alone. "They do this every time." Wally rolls his eyes before standing up leaning over me and hitting Derek in the head. "It's over man, let her breath." Jessica mumbles something but only Wally seemed to be the one who understood. A wide smile breaking across his red face.

The couple break apart looking up embarrassed. Rory already had marks appearing on her neck. If her parents saw they would probably be livid. The two stand up quickly trying to act as if we didn't just witness that. "Better get going. Don't wanna make Hunter late!" He grabs his trash and starts to walk down the isle of seats. Looking down at my watch it was only 10:15. "I still got another hour and half." I smile knowing it will just embarrass him more. I follow after Rory and the other two behind me. Derek seemed to be a mile in front of us heading for the doors. "Something's definitely wrong with him" Rory leans over whispering in my ear. "You just made out with him for an entire two hour movie, what could be wrong?"

"Then why isn't he holding my hand and walking out like usual with me?" She cocks an eyebrow as if I should have known that. "He didn't want to make me jealous." I smirk playfully grabbing ahold of her hand and began skipping. She giggles and begins to skip along the two of us gaining on Derek. "Look at the lovely couple." Wally yells from behind us.

"Move it loser, she's mine now." I move past Derek walking out the front doors. The cold night air hitting my bare skin. My arms instantly getting chills. We both come to a stop waiting for the slowpokes to catch up. Derek walks about looking at his shoes, she was right something was bothering him. He was almost never one to not joke around. He loved bantering and playing around and now suddenly he's acting cold and lonely.

Wally comes out with his usually smiley self Jessica looking up at him with heart eyes. She made me sick.

"I'm gonna walk her home." Wally smirks wrapping an arm around the girl. My blood boiled, she always seemed to get her way. I'm sure she lived in a nice place with a perfect family. "See you guys later." He smiles before narrowing in on me. "You cold?" He asks clearly picking up on my shivering figure. I was holding into my arms trying to get any warmth I could.

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