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She's Quick But He's Faster


Looking up I'm meet with a familiar figure, but this time not so distorted. "Who are you?" He spoke with a regular voice, this time it didn't sound robotic. Why had he changed? "Why do you care?" I smart back. "Last night, in the alley. That was you was it not?" 

He was watching? How long had he stood there? Was he going to help the girl if I hadn't? 

"Word of advice, being a vigilante in Kansas is quite boring. If you want real action I suggest moving somewhere more." I paused to think for a moment. "Exciting." He crossed his arms staring down at me. I studied his features, I knew that face, the jaw line and everything seemed so familiar.    "Trust me, I'll be out of Kansas before you know it." I couldn't tell if I was happy or sad about that. "You're good, you from around here?" 

"Not exactly. This is very temporary." I said looking him up and down. He was taller than me and very broad. He had the same suit on as last time. "So, you do anything else then fight good?" He smirks. "I'm handy with a sword. I'm good at cutting dicks off." His face drops. His flirty attitude doesn't seem to falter though. "Id hate to be on your bad side." down to his voice he was familiar. I knew that voice, that face, the way he carried himself. "Who said you're not?" I couldn't stop from smiling a little, he just had that effect. I see why Rory fangirled over him from time to time when she wasn't talking about Robin. 

He laughed dryly letting his head fall backwards. "I still have a dick." I rolled my eyes. He smiled looking back down at me. "How long are you gonna be here?" 

"A couple months. I'm surprised to catch you here. Aren't you on some team with a bunch of other sidekicks?" I cross my arm looking up at him. "We're prodigies, not sidekicks. And yes, we call ourselves young justice." 

Prodigies, I'd heard the exact same thing before.  "You work with a team?" He asks. The both of us seemed more laid back now, not worried one of us was a threat. But I was a still cautious. 

"Nah, I'm solo." He shooks his head seeming to agree with it. "Shame, you're pretty good. Our team could use someone with your skills. You're pretty sneaky too." Was that a proposition? It was bad enough I was sneaking around dad to do this, but joining a justice team. He'd kill me for sure. "Sorry, but like I said this is very temporary." I smile looking up. "Shame, I think we'd be good friends." His eyes from behind his goggles lock with mine. "I guess I'll see you around, hopefully?" He smirks. "When you're not busy fighting aliens I'll be here in Kansas." I joke. "Good." Before I knew he was gone just like that. The cool breeze running through my hair. Nothing but a quick flash of yellow before he disappeared. I now stood alone on the empty building. I had even forgotten how I got here. The man, he was far gone by now. This felt like aa good time to call it a night. I headed home dreading school, I guess we all have our personal hell. 


"Guess what!" Derek smiles running up to me as I make my way to history. "Enlighten me?" 

"I got you a ticket!" He smiles. "For what?" I stop and look at him confused. "The movie, duh. That way you can come and I won't have to hear Wally complain." He gleamed. I couldn't believe I actually had friends who wanted me around. And after last Fridays disaster maybe this would change that. If hit was horrible  could ditch and go be 'Ghost' for the night. "Wally's still gonna complain. Especially since Jessica and I don't get along." He smiles. "I saw the fight video, you totally had it in the bag." 

"It wasn't even a fight, I just punched her and she started crying." I defend my story as I begin to walk again. "Listen, I'll be there. But if I disappear it's cause my dad texted me to come home." 

"Reasonable excuse. I'll vouch for you. We'll pick ya up seven O'clock, tomorrow. Be ready." He starts to walk backwards and shooting me finger guns as he walks away. 

Well guess I'm getting dragged into the movie anyways. 


we finally got our first KidFlashxGhost moment!! 

Vote and comment!<3

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