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Let's Party


The rest of the week went by quickly, it was now Friday evening and I was heading home from school. Dad was packing when I left this morning so I'm sure he was either already gone or waiting to tell me bye.

Walking up the driveway my question is answered as I see him pacing by the window on the phone. "I'm home." I say as I walk into the house locking the door behind me.

"I'll call you right back." My dad hangs up the phone walking towards me. "I'm heading out, there's food in the fridge and I left a communicator on the counter. If it goes off call in back up. The code to downstairs is 9883-"

"78, I know. We've been through all of this. And if anything goes wrong I'll be on my way." We had discussed all of this when we moved in and last night when we talked about the mission. "Don't come alone." He gives me a stern look. I shake my head, we both know if it came down to it I wouldn't call for back up till I was there. I wasn't a rookie, I knew the ropes and I could handle it.

"I'd say not to throw a party but I have a feeling you wouldn't if I made you." He rolled his eyes. I laughed.

He leaned down giving me a hug. "Be careful." I remind him. "Always." He pulled away leaning down grabbing ahold of his duffle. He gave me a nod before walking towards the door I had just entered moments ago. Once the latch clicked i knew I wouldn't see him for maybe weeks. His missions never last just a couple days, he's been gone for months at a time. I was use to it at this point. Before I had other distractions to keep me preoccupied with training and other missions but now I'm completely alone. I have to watch over myself.

I'm sure it will pass fast and beside Rory was determined to drag me to that stupid party tonight. In a way I wanted to go just for fun but at the same time alone time would be nice until I became use to it.

I debated my opinions as I made a sandwich in the kitchen. I had about 3 hours till I had to leave if I decided to go. I'm sure Rory would blow my phone up before then. In fact she threw me in a group chat with Derek and Wally so we can all make 'plans' in the future.

Speak of the devil, my phone buzzed was it laid on the counter.

Speak of the devil, my phone buzzed was it laid on the counter

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I rolled my eyes Turing my phone off. I guess it was good having stubborn friends sometimes. I finished my sandwich and sent Rory my address so she can pick me up in a couple hours. Heading to my room I planned on just watching some television while I eat.

Time past way to fast, I couple hours went to a couple minutes. Everything was fine till I fell asleep and woke to a text saying she was turning onto my street. I stumbled out of bed as fast as I could throwing on the first pair of jeans I could fumble onto. I changed out of my stained T-shirt and into a simple black tank top. Grabbing my phone I run out of the room as the door bell rings. I ran down the steps skipping a couple min my path before making it to the door barley out of breath. "Hey!" I smile opening the door. Rory stood smiling in an extremely short black mini skirt and a reviling black lacy string halter top. she surly didn't leave anything up to the imagination. Her tall black pumps added a few inches but I was still taller. He sparkly make up completed the look. "Girl, what are you wearing?" Rory asks looking up and down in near disgust. "What am I wearing? What are you wearing?" I ask taking in all the sequins and glitter. She looked like a disco ball.

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