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I sat on one of the dining room chairs in complete silence. I could hear every tiny noice echo through the empty house. I had been sat here since I got home from school. My homework had been piling up and I decided this would be the best time to catch up. I look at the flashing microwave time, it was now 7:20 and the sun was going down. Closing the text book with the pencil inside so I can find the page again later I stand up. heading further into the kitchen and opening the fridge. I had left grocery shopping to dad over the past couple weeks and I'm now seeing that was a mistake. The supposed food he left for me was an open can of corn, old box of Chinese take out, and rotting eggs. I guess I quick trip to the store wouldn't hurt anything. I close the door dragging myself to my room to change. As much as I wanted to crash on the couch with a good movie before I went out tonight I knew going to the store would be the more mature thing to do. Besides I can't blame dad, with work and other things he's been busier than ever. And we're both new to this whole 'normal' family thing.

After I change into some more appropriate clothes for shopping I grab an emergency credit card from the wallet I keep most of my old IDs and cards in. I headed out the door seeing a beautiful sunset in the sky. They gorgeous red and pink hues light up the sky giving it a warm feeling. I took a deep breath taking in the cool air. It spelt like fall.

I don't waste my time heading to the store. Let's pray I don't run into Wally or his family this time. We were some what friends now but it was very confusing. One minute I'm being told about the things he's said behind my back and the next he's being sweet and nice to me. He was funny and charming but was also a bit of a prick.

I shook of any though of Wally. I wanted to enjoy this trip to the store without my anxiety building up. I took a few more breaths, counting each one. Heading in the store and grabbing a basket, a newspaper rack sat a couple inches from where I was standing. I didn't really care much for what was going on Keystone, but ghost sure did. Grabbing the newspaper and walking further into the store. The noise of throwbacks play over the speakers as always. I teenage girls sits behind a cash register on fooling with the buttons, another older worker stocks a nearby isle with ear buds in. I found myself looking around and taking in every bit of my surroundings. I did this out of habit. The chances of anyone being a threat were slim, but I couldn't stop but I was programmed to do.

I look down at the newspaper skimming my eyes over it. The headline caught my attention quicker than anything.

Local Hero Saves the Keystone Again With Help. Robin in Keystone? And A Newbie No One's Seen Before?

I stop looking around making sure I wasn't blocking anyone's way before focusing back on the story.

Local hero Kidflash saves us again after stopping a group of men from high jacking Keystone Bank. Thankfully he wasn't the only one we have to thank. Gothams favorite bird, Robin was sighted also helping the quick vigilante along with someone who's been unable to identify. A dark figure police say fled the scene with the help of the other two.

5 men were put into custody after they fled from the scene. Another 3 men were arrested at the scene after police arrived. One man was found dead. But no further details have been released.

Who is this new hero? And where did they go?

I couldn't believe I had made the news, Of course thanks to Kidflash. But I still made it on a newspaper. I was shocked. Part of me wanted to get it framed and hang it on my wall proudly, but another half wanted to burn it. What if my dad saw this and knew? What if this meant the police were after Ghost now? I did kill the man at the bank without thinking. I much as I wanted to say it was an accident, I knew the move I was about to pull would kill him quickly and painless. But I didn't stop myself. For the first time in years I almost felt guilty for taking a soul. Something I was so use to, I had done it for years. Why was I feeling bad now?

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