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I'll be there


"AND YOU'RE GROUNDED." I hear my dads voice rumble from the front door as I storm up the stair case. I could barely hold in my anger as it was and he was pushing me over the edge. The entire car ride was just him rambling and complaining about me. First it was how I'm being distracted from school by my friends. Then it turned into how I'm going to fall behind in my training and I'll never get where I'm supposed to in life. How I'll fail, how the league won't accept me for training because I'm not meeting the 'requirements'. I felt like he made all my life decisions for me and I was supposed to just go along with it and be happy. But the question was 'am I happy?'. Did I even know how to be happy?

I've spent most of my life hiding my emotions, learning how to be ice cold. How showing weakness gets me no where, I've never been allowed to express how I feel and at this point I don't think I even know what feelings are.

I stomp into my bedroom slamming the door. My blood was boiling but I had to bite my tongue. One wrong move and I could lose everything I have.

My friends, my freedom, Wally.

I can't believe I was this upset over something so stupid. Dad was right, I was letting people get in my way. I couldn't figure out what I wanted. One minute I can't get over how unfair this is but then I realize I wasn't brought here to get attached. I was going to lose all of this eventually. Everyone I knew was better off without me. It's not like they'd remember me once I left.

I lay down letting my sore muscles sink into the large comfy bed. At least I get to sleep in for three weeks. A loud knock at the door scares me before the door opens and my father glares inside. "Phone." I roll my eyes sitting up and pulling it from my back pocket and throwing it towards him. He caught it with ease. "We both need to cool down and then we can discuss this further." He shuts the door leaving it at that. He already made it very clear in the car my three weeks would consist in training. Hard training.

It would feel nice to be back in the way of things, sleep eat fight. That's what my life was about. I needed to accept that and enjoy the little normalcy I will ever get. Cause once this is over, it's over for good.

I'd be thousands of miles from here and likely never see Rory, Derek, Wally, or Jessica again. I wasn't too upset about never seeing Jessica's sour face again.


Every room in my house still looked the same. I sat at the dining table running the pot pie on my plate around with my fork, three days had passed and I had avoided any interaction with Dad. It wasn't too hard. He took a couple extra shifts this week for some extra cash so he's hardly been home. Lucky for me he works another long shift tonight, so after we finish dinner he'll head to work and I can finally sneak out my window and run around this town for a couple hours or so. I couldn't lie I had missed it. It was freeing and I had made a good friend along the way. I really hoped Wally would be out tonight, I needed someone to talk to.

"I'm sorry I was hard on you." Dads voice brings me out of my staring contest with the messy food in front of me. I look up to see him take a bite avoiding my eyes. "I just can't have you causing problems right now. What you did was wrong but I raised you that way. And I can't lie, by the look of her face you did a pretty good job showing her." I try to hide the smirk on my face. Seeing her that day before leaving the school was something. I wonder how bad it looked now.

"I think a couple more days and you're ungrounded. Phone and everything, but I still expect to see you downstairs training until you go back to school." I shake my head. "And I wouldn't mind seeing you train more after. You know what standards you need to uphold." I shake my head again agreeing. The only reason I haven't completely fallen off the horse is because I've been running around the city fighting and keeping up that way.

"Thank you." I look back at the plate. "I love you hun." He stands up. I look back up seeing the small smile on his face. "I love you too, dad." I smile. He grabs his plate taking it into the kitchen. This was still far from over, but it was better to call it a truce here than being petty which the two of us have mastered.

"I'm heading out. I'll be back around 4." He walks over kissing the top of my head before reaching and grabbing his bag. "Be careful." He shakes his head heading for the door. "Always am." I can't stop the sarcastic laugh that leaves my mouth. Him careful? Liar. He laughs before closing the door.

The clock read 9:39, it was dark enough out for me to hit up town. I needed some freedom.

I drop my fork running up the stairs and heading for my suit.


"Fancy seeing you here." I smirk landing on the roof. Kidflash stood a couple feet in front of me watching over the street below us. "Where've you been?" He turns around folding his arms. "I had some other business to take care of." I lie. He shakes his head.

"Glad you decided to show back up." She smiles coming closer. "You know I can't stay away for too long." I shrug. His googles sat on his head and his green eyes looked into my dark covered ones. Sometimes I wish I had the guts to at least pull down my hood, but the fear of his recognizing my eyes or hair scared me. I couldn't risk it.

"What are you doing tomorrow night?" That peaked my interest. Did he want to ask me out? No, wally wouldn't ask some girl who he's never seen face out. "Depends, Why?" He begins to pace around me. Arms still crossed and shoulders wide. "You gonna be around?"

"Maybe, you want me to?" A smile crosses his face. "I always want you to be. I just wanted to make sure I'd see you tomorrow." I cock an eyebrow. "No reason?"

"Oh you'll figure that out when you get here. Just trust me, be here." I did trust him, which was a problem. I shouldn't. I didn't know him enough. Wally's already a liar, he has a secret identity. What else could he be hiding?

"We'll see."

"Well I'm counting on you being here." He finally stops right in front of me. "I'll even buy you ice cream if you show." I can't stop from smiling under my mask. "That sounds like it's more for you than me." He chuckles. "You bet babe. But if it gets you to come, I'll take it."

"Fine, I'll try to be here." I would be taking extra precautions but I'd try my best not to disappoint. "Perfect. Now shall we do some saving?" He steps to my side offering his arm.

"Of course, Mr. Flash." He laughs at the name.

I really hoped he didn't have anything bad planned. I really didn't want to lose trust in KF.


Guys I'm so sorry it took so long for this update. More to some soon.

Comment and vote!<3


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