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Getting along 


"Any plans for tonight?" Dad asks as he walks into the kitchen. I sat at my usual spot stuffing my face with eggs and toast. Dad grabs a mug and heads to the full coffee pot that I had brewed for him like most mornings. "I was gonna go see a movie with my friends."I mumble through my full mouth. His interest peaks as he leans back against the counter facing me. "Names?" He asks taking a sip of coffee. I roll my eyes knowing why he wants the information. "You're not doing back ground checks on them." I glare before adverting my gaze back to the half eaten plate in front of me. "I wasn't even going to-" I send him another glare shutting him up. "fine, fine. But I would like to know who you're going with for safety reasons." 

"Dad, I learned how to split a bullet in two with a katana when I was nine. I'll be fine." I send a reassuring smile. "It's not you I'm worried about." He sends an evil grin. I finally give in disclosing the information. "Rory, Derek, and Wally." I take another bite of food. "Derek and Wally, most be a set of beautiful girls." 

"Dad, really?" I look over to see him smiling from ear to ear. Of course he'd tease me. "Derek and Rory are dating." 

"My baby's all grown up she's going on a date." He wipes an invisible tear. I practically choke on the food I was chewing. "Date?" I look up eyes wider than my plate. He snorts a laugh in his coffee cup. "It's not a date, trust me." 

"You just said Derek and Rory were dating did you not?" I wasnt getting his point. "Yeah?" 

"And so I'm guessing while they're acting like a couple it will just be Wally and you. Thats a double date, spud." He was sure of himself. "No. I wouldn't save Wally West if he was drowning." Dad laughs. Clearly he didn't understand how horrible what he just said was. "And besides. He's bringing Jessica." Just saying her name I wanted to puke up what I had just ate. "I'm sensing tension. Spill!" He quickly walks to the table grabbing ahold of a chair and spinning it around so he can sit backwards on the chair. "There's this girl who for some reason hates my guts." I huff out a breath. "She tried to fight me." HIs eyes grew wide. "Is she okay?" He asks completely serious. "Yeah, I only punched her. Should have done more." I grumble. 

"I'd prefer my daughter not to have a bad reputation while we're here." He smiles. "If it happens again I'll have a talk with the principal." 

"No, you don't need to do that. I can handle her my own." I looked up furrowing my eyebrows. "I know you can. but it would be the more responsible thing to do." 

I pout looking up at the clock I was real late. "I gotta go." I get up from my chair running off. "love you." He calls after me taking a sip of his black coffee. "love you too." I grab my bag and run out the door. 


I sit beside Rory at the lunch table as she talks my ear off like usual. I had kind of learned to just block her out after a while. Throwing in a couple 'yeah' and 'really's' get me by. While I zoned out my mind kept replaying the other nights events. I took last night off but ended up regretting it. For some reason I had the urge to talk to him. which there was a small chance even if I had gone out would he have been out running around. And if he was how was going to even catch up to him. 

I kept imagining his smile, he seemed so familiar. And I kept trying to think of excuses why he had changed. When he saved me he was short to answer and looked distorted almost blurry. But the other night I could see him perfectly. I wish I could place where I had seen him before. "earth to Hunter?" A piece of rolled up paper hitting my forehead brings me back to reality. Wally sits across from me with a devilish smirk. I roll my eyes looking down at my tray of food. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed." He mumbles. "Actually she as happy till you showed up." Rory glares at Wally. "So what do you think?" She asks me turning towards me. "About?" Her face drops. "You didn't hear a thing I said did you?" She looked annoyed. "Sorry, I've got a lot on my mind." 

"More important than me?" She smiles. "Rory, as much as you talk." She shuts wally up with a glare. "Where's my boyfriend?" She asks changing the subject. "Something about the football team needed him for a fundraiser or something stupid." 

Rory pouts. "I'll be back." She stands up grabbing her things and leaving. I go back to eating ignoring everything around me. Looking back up Wally is stuffing his face full of food. "You're going to choke." I cock an eyebrow as he looks up at me. "For someone that eats as much as you, how do you stay so skinny?" 

He smiles food falling from his mouth, disgusting. But for some reason I choked a laugh back. "I-uh, run a lot." He says through his full mouth. I smile shaking my head and going to back to eating. He swallows. "Are you excited?" 

I tilt my head back up and give him a confused look. "For?" 

He chuckles. "tonight. I love the movies." It felt kind of odd having a conversation with Wally, but It kind of made me realizes he's not that bad. And once you get over his childish and flirty behavior he's quite sweet and funny. "I've actually never been to a movie theater. being honest I don't even know what movie we're going to."

"You've never been!" He drops his fork looking at me like I'm crazy. "You've never had movie theater popcorn in your life?" Of course his main concern would be the food. I chuckle shacking my head. "Only the stuff you buy." 

"I'm so changing that for you tonight." A weird feeling erupts in my stomach and I couldn't stop from smiling. "You're gonna love it." He looked so happy. "Can't wait." Wally was about to say something when the bell rang through the building. That had to have been the worst timing. He shuts his mouth into a tight smile. "I'll see you tonight." he stuffs his face with the last little bit of food before standing up with his tray. smiling. "See ya." I smile also grabbing my things before standing up. We both kept eye contact until the most aggravating voice interrupted us. "Wally, walk me to class." Jessica walks over making goggly eyes at him. I just walk away not wanted to watch them. for a minute I was actually looking forward to tonight but now that I remembered she'll be there Wally will go back to being a jerk. 


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