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Girls day

The annoying ring coming from my phone woke me up from a peaceful sleep. I wait a moment for the ring to go through. Once it's silent again I flip over in the bed, the ringing starts again. It somehow sounded louder this time. I grumble reaching over to pick up the buzzing phone from my nightstand. Without reading who it was I answer putting it to my ear. "Hello?" "I'm coming over." Rory screams through the phone. That woke me up for sure. I shook my head trying to understand what was going on. "Why? Whats going one?"

"Are you asleep?" I roll my eyes. "I was, till someone started blowing up my phone." I lay my head back down on the pillow slowly starting to drift off again. "Hunter, it's 12:30. You should be up by now."

"I had a long night." I was so close to dozing off again but the sound of her door shutting indicated she was here. "What's so important?" I ask groggily. "Thank you Mr. Kincaid." I hear her voice sweetly say. I could hear my father distantly say "Call me Benjamin." Before I could ask her anything the sound of her shoes run up the stair case leading to my bedroom door. The line dies as my door slams open. She gives me an annoyed look closing the door and walking over to my shades. "Nice room." She says as she pulls open the shades causing the blinding light to hit my eyes. I squint regretting answering the phone. "What are you doing?" I finally ask trying my hardest to wake up. "Derek and I broke up." She turns from the window to me. I sit up giving her an apologetic look. "Ror, I'm so sorry." She gives me a quick laugh. "It's okay, I really should have seen it all coming." She wipes the sad look on her face off replacing its with a smile. "Anyways, I came to see if you wanted to go shopping with me?" she practically begged. As much as my body was screaming at me to say no and go back to sleep, I couldn't do that to her.

I had powered through much worse in my life, a simple trip to the mall to help her recover from a heart break should be a piece of cake. "Yeah, I'll go." I smile pulling myself up crying inside as the warmth around be turns to cold. My bed had never looked so warm and fluffy.

She cheered, I headed for my closet as she laid down on my bed spreading out. I should be enjoying that but instead I'm out facing the cold air for the sake of her happiness. "Nice room." She smiles. "Thanks." I bend down grabbing some random clothes. "Do you think id make a good step mom?" She asks out of the blue picking at her long fresh set of nails. Turning to look at her I laugh dryly. "Sure, why not." In my mind I assumed she had set her eyes on Mr. Johnson now that Derek was out of the picture. I know he would never date a student as much as I wish he would; but I wasn't going to judge her for falling for him. He was very young and attractive, and his profession made him a little hotter. It's like Remus Lupin from Harry Potter, Even though he's a grown man something about him. I shook my thoughts away. "I think about it, wed be those cute mother daughter duos?" She smiles sitting up. My face drops realizing who she was talking about. A grossed out expression take over my face and the sudden urge to vomit take over. "Rory, no." I Shut my eyes tight trying to get rid of the imagine of the two of them getting married. "He's so hot." She rants. "And I'm sure he looks amazing without clothes." She lays back down on the bed staring up at the ceiling. "Rory, thats my father. Off limits. Besides, you're a minor." I start to strip from my pajamas, pulling on my jeans and baseball tee. "Fine, but if fate wants us together you can't fight it." I couldn't stop from rolling my eyes.

"While we're shopping we are defiantly getting you better clothes." She teases. Once I was dress I walk over to the small round mirror in my room looking at my reflection. "You mind if ask you something personal?" I had come up with lies and back stories for every situation. "Sure."

"Is your mom still in your life." Except for that question. I had gone most of my life without her no need to lie much. "She died when I was five." I swallowed. Her face drops in regret. "I am so sorry, Hunter." She gets up from the bed moving towards me. I give her a small chuckle. "It's fine, I was young and barely remember her." I smile. "I'll go brush my teeth and I'll be ready to go." I exit the room. I couldn't stop but think about my mother. Her short brown hair and green eyes appeared in my mind, I couldn't lie it hurt but thats how life was. I needed to move on. Dad always says don't get stuck on the past it will only ruin the future. I don't know if that really made sense but coming from dad I knew it would be important one day.

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