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I sit in the principals office staring at the awards he had hanging behind his deck, He sat in the large office chair is a solum look on his face. I could tell I was now on his long list of troubled students. The assistant sits in a small chair in the corner looking around everywhere, her facial expression said it all. The sound of the clicking clock came to an abrupt stop, my Dad swinging the door open. His happy smile from this morning was replaced with anger. His dark gaze looked around the room before landing on me. I knew I was in deep trouble. The principal stood up adjusting his jacket and reaching to my father. "Mr. Kincaid, Glad you could join us. Will her Mother be joining us?" My dad's face doesn't change as he reaches up to shake his hand. "Her mother isn't in the picture." He practically growls. He then looks at me, I was practically shaking now. "What did you do?" His voice now scary calm.

"Please take a seat." My father listens taking a seat beside me, I could feel the anger radiating off of him. "There seems to have been a misunderstanding between your daughter and one of our other students. Hunter took it into her own hands and that leaves us here." I avoid everyone's eyes keeping my head down. "Is the other girl okay?" My father asks.

"She's fine, just knocked her out for a couple minutes and bruised her pretty bad. I want to discuss your daughter's punishment." He cleared his throat leaning into his desk. "I've read over her files, and even though there isn't much there I noticed violence was one of the few things listed about her." I look up my eyes adverting between the two men. He put violence on my file. I should have known Dad didn't trust me.

Shaking his head he still doesn't speak listening to everything Principle Norman was saying. "I'm still waiting to hear both sides of the story but I'm willing to give her the benefit and hear why she believes beating up a student was a way to solve the solution." His eyes move to me. "Well, tell us, Hunt." My dad's voice low. After a couple seconds I finally speak out. My voice low and dry. "She's a bully. I didn't do it for my benefit." I cross my arms sinking into the uncomfortable chair. "What did she do that was so bad you needed to be the one to step out of line." His voice beside me only pissed me off more. "She wrote pig on a locker, all because she didn't think the girls body was acceptable." I glare. "I tried but she pushed me to the point I couldn't think straight. I'm sorry I did it, but she deserves to be punished just as badly as I am." Mr. Norman clears his throat. "We'll see about that. There is no evidence Jessica wrote that." He defends her.

My father turns from me back to the balding man. "My daughter wouldn't attack her for no reason. If she said she did it she did it." Mr. Norman gives a dry laugh. "I'm sure your daughter is very reliable, but I can't trust that. I don't punish students over accusations."

"Did any of your teachers or yourself see my daughter on top of the other girl?" Mr. Norman stuttered over his words. "Well, no but it's more than obvious your daughter is the one who did this."

"And you know that because students said it was her?" My dad leaned closer. "Yes, and the blood covered knuckles prove that." He looks at my father with a know it all attitude. "The word 'pig' is painted on the locker does that not prove anything?" He cocks an eyebrow.

He practically chokes hearing my father. "If you want to punish my Daughter then I expect you to search the other girls locker and bags." He thinks for a moment before turning to the assistant. "Have Mr. Johnson and Mr. Richman search Jessica's personal belongings." He turns back to my father. "If proof is found I can assure you she will be dealt with." Dad now leans back into his seat. "What's her punishment." He asks nodding to me.

"Three week suspension. If she's caught stepping out of line or worse, starting another fight, the punishment will be more severe." Dad shakes his head agreeing. "Is that all?"

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