
58 2 14


This chapter contains some graphic details and cussing.



A loud bang wakes me up. Fear runs through my body as I sit up looking around frantically. The loud noise sounds through the house again along with a shuffling noise. After last nights run in I was expecting anything really, had she come back? No, if that was Talia she would have woken me up herself. She knew how to quiet, who ever this was, was very unprofessional. I reach over pulling open the wooden nightstand to my side. Pulling out a steel dagger. I slip out from under the covers. Goosebumps run up my exposed skin at the sudden contact of cold air. I ignore the ache in my body and quietly open my bedroom door heading down the hallway. Creeping down the wooden steps I steady my breath waiting to ambush the intruder. The morning sun shines through the cracks of the closed blinds. The air was cold and still, a noice sounds from the kitchen. I try to stay as far against the nearest wall as possible, peering into the kitchen from afar. I can't see anything out of place but the sounds tell me differently.

I slip down the short walk way and lean my back against the wall beside the kitchen door. My ear pressed against the frame. The sound of the fridge door opening gives away there position. I tighten the grip on my knife and prepare for the perfect moment. Once I hear the door close i make my move, moving around the door frame I don't waste a second. I jump onto the back of the dark tall figure, I use the balls of my feet to get higher. My hands pushing up on his head, I wrap my legs around their neck and hold the knife to the side of their cheek.

Swinging around my back slams into a counter, I refuse to let go even though the pain from the hard impact was enough to make me feel as though i was breaking in half. The figure stands back up straight and swings me against the fridge causing it to shake and magnets to fall. I drop onto my feet into a fighting stance holding the knife up. Once the person stumbles forwards a gleam of light from the living room hits him through the door. I drop the knife and stand up straight.

"And here i was worried you were getting weak." My dad smiles at me, he was in a much better mood than he had been before his departure. "Sorry." I mutter. He only shakes his head with a giggle. "You did good." I lean over flicking the ceiling light on. The kitchen now much more bright. Walking over to the kitchen window and tugging on the shade it only brightens the room more. I look to the near by counter my back had hit moment before, ingredients lay on top now scattered from the fight. "What were you doing?" I ask finally walking over to give him a hug. "I was going to surprise you with breakfast, but i should have known nothing gets past you." I roll my eyes playfully. He wasn't wrong. "I'm sorry about before I left. I was being strict, you're more than capable of taking care of yourself and I trust you. You're free to do as you please, I'm trusting you're responsible." He smiles enveloping me into a hug. I smile.

Pulling back i see the same man who has always been my father. "Thank you. I'll try and be better." He shakes his head in agreement. I look over to the microwave seeing the time. I had another twenty minutes till i needed to leave for school. "Is breakfast still on the schedule?" I give him a big cheesy smile. "After the fight you just put up, most definitely. Go get ready for school and I'll cook." He pats my head and I leave happily.


I walk through the halls with Rory by my side ranting about the romantic night she spent with Derek. "But then Wally called him and ruined the whole thing." I come to a halt looking at her. "Wally? He's back?" I cock an eyebrow. Confusion crosses her face. "He never left, he was out sick for a couple days." She corrects me. "I know that. But when did he call Derek?" I ask trying to play it off. I knew she would pick up on my questioning and I'd have to answer more questions than i asked by the end of this conversation. "last night. Hunt, are you listening to me? I already said this happened last night." She rolls her eyes. "What's the sudden concern for Wally anyways?" She smirks. "No reason he's just been sick a lot lately." She chokes back a laugh. "Lately? He misses more school from being 'sick' than anyone I've ever seen. Something tells me half the time he's perfectly fine." I try and laugh it off. If only she knew. "He told Derek he was better and would be here today. He'll probably come bother us before you know it." I roll my eyes. I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that Wally was such an irritation yet KF was always a delight to be around. For me at least.

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