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The Shadow

A hand bangs against the locker beside mine as I rummage through the books. Looking up I'm met with Wally green eyes, and a smirk. "I forgot to tell you this the other day.", I close my locker door giving Wally my attention, I cock an eyebrow waiting for him to continue. "I told ya so." He smiles, The only reaction I had was to roll my eyes. "Fine, you win. This time." I grumble. Another devilish smirk appears. "I'll always win." 

Before I can retaliate Wally's jumped from behind, "Dude, guess what!" Derek cheers landing back on his feet. "Oh, Hey Hunter? He looks between Wally and I. I suppose I would also be confused if I saw the two of us talking out of free will. "I got tickets for the movie Friday night!" Derek practically shouts. "No way?" Wallys eyes grow in size. "Thats so crash!" Crash? I swear, where did this boy get his vocabulary? 

"I got four, You, Rory, I, and..." Wally cuts him off. "Jessica?" Dereks face drops. A weird feeling grew in my stomach. I suddenly wanted the bell to ring so I could get out of this conversation. "Actually I was a thinking Hunter." Derek rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Thanks but I'd probably pass anyways." I cut in. Truth was I would have gone. Even though it didn't sound like my type of fun it really enjoyed hanging with Rory and Derek, and Wally wasn't so bad to be around from time to time. But it was obvious Wallace wanted Jessica and I didn't want to piss him off. Even though it would bring me more joy than anything I wasn't in the mood to fight with him. 

Plus after last weekend I wasn't Sure if I was up to it. And I'm sure Fridays meant more action at night around town. "But then Rory wont have anyone to talk with? And we all want you there!" Derek whines trying to change my mind. "Not all-" Wally whispers before Derek can gut him in the side with his elbow. Bending over he groans in pain. I couldn't help but smile and Wallys discomfort. "If anything changes you'll come?" Derek truly looked like he wanted me there. It almost felt good knowing someone truly likes my company. "I will." I promise smiling. "See you guys later." I walk away. "Don't get hit by any cars." Wally calls after me. I roll my eyes turning the corner. 


And here I stood same rooftop, same place. After last nights run in I felt more ready then ever. I was prepared for the worse. Dad started his new 'job' today and once he got home we crashed on the couch. Once the sun had been down for a couple hours I snuck out. 

I had laid back on the roof really not expecting much till a call came over the scanner. "Active shooting and possible bank robbery, 4th street, west end." That was only a couple of blocks and if I was quick I could probably make it before cops. I don't waste time hopping up and jumping roof tops heading for 4th. 

I found myself jumping on the roof across from the bank. Sure enough two black cars were pulled up to the from of the large building a man sat in each, obviously the get away drivers. 

I jump from the building heading for the cars. The man in the front car wasn't paying attention, instead he was reading a paper and blasting music. The other man had the winnow down bitting his nails and looking around paranoid. By time he noticed me approaching through the mirror my hand was already on the back of his head, slamming into the top of the steering wheel. His head goes limp and falls backwards, a cut on his forehead spewing blood out. 

Heading to the next car the man unfortunately didn't have his window down, but his loud music would most likely mellow the sound of shattering glass as the end of the bo-staff flys through the window.  Reacting quickly the man try to grab ahold of hit. My fist meets the side of his face as I pull the staff back towards me. I quickly react letting him meet the same fate as the other man. Once he's out cold I head for the bank. The doors looked like they'd been blown off. they laid on the floor in near shreds. Stepping over them I head further in staying on guard. Loud noises echoed from near the safe. I head towards it but a small black marble looking ball rolls in front of me. shit. The ticking soon explodes blowing me backwards. who ever was here knew I was here. I recover quickly jumping back onto my feet holding onto my stick tightly. I see a dark figure, running forward I swing but nothing is there. A sudden laugh comes from behind me. 

Turning a tall dark figure stands in the broken door way laughing. "You must be new." His deep gravely voice echos through the room. "I may be new, but I could still take you out." I defend myself. "Oh, I don't doubt that. You're not from this line of work, you've switched up I see." I could her the smirk in his voice. "I don't know what you mean." I square my shoulder. "The only question I have is, does your father know?" 

My face drops from under the dark hood. "Who are you?" I shout. The sounds of police sirens get closer. "Not today, but soon." With that a pellet is thrown and another explosion of smoke covers my view. I run through it trying to catch glimpse of the figure, stepping outside the night sky comes into view. Police round the corner and the blue lights are in view. I look around everywhere. I catch a glimpse of the figure jumping from a roof. I run after it climbing quickly onto the fire escape heading onto the roof. I see him jump onto the next roof, following after. 

He looks back for a second seeing I've gained on him. He continues to jump roof to roof. I follow shortly after. 

He finally drops down between two buildings. Sliding to the edge looking down the very well lite valley is clear. not.a.soul. 

how? I search from overhead, using it as an advantage. No where. It like he vanished. 

I step back off the roof taking a deep breath, taking another step backwards I hit into something hard. That was not a well. I slowly turning around met with a tall figure. 

Oh dear God.



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