
55 2 10

Old faces


Two days had passed. No sign of Kidflash or Wally, supposidly he had been out sick according to teachers but I have a feeling he's not even home.  My dad was still gone and I had the house to myself. I was bored out of my mind for once. I had caught all up on homework and Rory had been so busy with Derek she had practically forgotten I existed. I had played around with a staff and katana earlier but that didn't seem to fill the void. My mind always seemed to drift back to Dick and Wally. Dick had made it sound like it was going to be a simple mission and he'd be back before you know it, but it didn't seem to be that way. Part of me wished I had gotten someway of communication with Dick, but I knew it was better to just stay out of it. The part of me that cared was for Kidflash. He had become a friend and partner, but as for Wally he was an irritation. He always had something smart to say, and his stupid hair. I don't know why it stuck out to me so much. It seemed so soft and silky, I'm sure you could run your hair through it without a single tangle catching. What am I thinking? This is Wally for christ sakes, the same boy who's only nice to me as requested from his best friend. I needed to get that stupid redhead out of my mind. Even if that redhead was also KF, who had been nothing but nice to me. If he ever learned who I was would he stop being so nice? Would he change? Would all of the flirtatious jokes stop?

I knew if I stayed id have to tell him eventually. but I couldn't stay no matter how much I wanted to. So Wally would simply just never know I was Ghost, I was surprisingly alright with that. The idea of him changing the way he treats me leaves an unsettling feeling in my stomach. I pull myself off my bed looking out at the night sky from my window. The stars looked so beautiful and bright. As badly as I wanted to just crash on the couch with a pizza while I watch a movie I knew I needed to go out. I had a little bit of hope that Kidflash would show. I shut the curtains and grab my suit from the dresser. Maybe tonight would be slow and I could come back early. Of course whenever I wanted a slow night it seemed to turn to chaos.

Pulling the hood over my head I grab my last few essentials and make my way back to the large window. Opening the glass and sticking one leg out I take one last look at my messy room. My bed looked so warm and inviting, just an hour or two and I'll be back.

Heading into the streets staying in the dark if I finally make my way to a tall building, it was about time I test this thing out. I grab the grapple hook that I now kept on my side. I had played with it a little during training but I hadn't used to for it's purpose yet. Only pushing a few buttons and getting us to how it works.

Taking in a breath I aim it at the near by rooftop. I tried to get a somewhat shorter building since this was my first time but I wasn't sure it that was much help or not. Pressing the button the a black thick line runs to the building a hook grabbing onto the nearby edge. I take a little pull making sure it's in a good place and won't drop me to a sudden death. I felt the anxiety boil in my stomach, I sure wish Robin had left instructions with this thing.

I press the buttons and hold onto it with my life, my feet leave the ground and I'm quickly pulled upwards. The cold air hits my face and before I know it my body it rolling across the rooftop. I had made it, although I definitely needed to work on my landings.

I quickly stand up brushing off trying to act as if it never happened. Thankfully not many could would have witnessed that. I pick the grappling gun back up and walk to the far edge of the roof. Pointing for another taller and nearby building I repeat my last steps. This time trying to land on my knees. Practice makes perfect. I know my Dad would have me doing this till I land it perfectly and then some. I don't waste time in doing it again. And again. I was determined to have this down by tonight. Besides if KF ever shows back up he won't have to carry me along anymore. Though I didn't mind it much.

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