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Truth come out


I had only been home fifteen minutes at the most before that stupid door bell began to ring. I was surrounded by shopping bags on the couch, where I had decided to rest after Rory dropped me off. I pulled myself up and headed for the door. Opening I expected anyone but him. "Derek?" His eyes were blood shot, tear streaks stained his cheeks. "I really need your help. I messed up, bad." He chokes, his voice was laced with pain and hurt. I took a deep breath in weighing my options.  "I'll give you five minutes to explain yourself, if your excuse is lame your out." I glare opening the door for him to enter. "Thank you, Hunter." He praises quickly walking inside. "Spill." He takes a seat on my couch looking at all the bags. I'm sure he could easily guess where they come from and who made me get me. "I need you to help me get Rory back." He looks up pleading. "No way, you cheated on her." I cross my arms refusing to sit. Dad always said standing over someone makes them intimidated and shows who's boss. "No, no didn't. Hunter you have got to believe me. I would have never done that to her." He begs. I didn't know what to think, did he really think I was going to help him. I hated that I wanted to believe him, he seemed like he was telling the trust. "Where were you then? All of those 'practices' and 'fundraisers'?" His already pale face grows paler. He looks sickly. His eyes drift off and I can tell he's trying his hardest to not either start crying or vomit. "I-I can't say." He swallows. 

"Then I can't help you." A tear falls down his face, he looks down at his hands. "If I tell you, you promise on your life you won't tell a soul?" He makes eye contact. Whatever it was seemed very important. "Yes, but that doesn't mean I'll help you get Rory back." He shakes his head before standing back up. This time I take a seat on the couch as he begins to pace the living room rubbing his face. I can tell he's trying to make sure no one else is listening in. I'm sure my Dad was somewhere somehow, But I doubt whatever big secret Derek had would cause him to get involved. "I-Ive been." He shakes his head and turning away from me. An inaudible grumble comes from his lips. "What?" I ask leaning up trying to hear better. "I said-" He mumbles again. "Derek." I growl. 

"I've been taking dance lessons." He turns around facing me and letting his shoulders fall in defeat. Yeah, I was not expecting that. I'm sure my face said it all, I was so confused. He let their relationship fall apart cause he didn't want her to know he was dancing?

"I know it's stupid." He makes his way back to the couch sitting beside me. "Why didn't you just tell her?" I furrow my brows. "cause, it's embarrassing." 

"Couch thinks my balance is off this season, so he's making me and a couple other guys take ballet." I snorted a laugh. I couldn't help it. "This was a mistake." He went to stand up but I stopped him by grabbing his wrist. "Derek, stop." 

"I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing cause it would be so easy for you to get her back." He looked back confused. "You have to tell her." His eyes grow wide. "No way! She'll laugh at me. and worse what's it she tells people?" 

I shook my head. "I think she won't do that. If you make it known how you feel about the subject I'm sure she'll understand and keep it between the two of you." He seemed to lighten up more. "I just don't know." 

"You have to, She's making me go play mini golf with her tomorrow. It's her way of grieving." I give him a serious look. "Mini golf is fun." He defends. "Never been." 

"Girl, I swear you grew up on an island. Did you experience anything as a child?"  He jokes. He wasn't very far off. I had been on islands for periods of time. Of course he didn't need to know that so I just laughed it off. "Why'd you come to me with this?" I ask as my laughter dies down. "You're her current hyper fixation friend. I knew she had already been here ranting about me. Plus my only other option was Wally, and after his last girlfriend." For some reason that perked my interest. I cock an eyebrow hoping he'll give me more details. "So he's got a history with bad taste in woman." I joke. 

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