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West vs. Kincaid, one


"Same to you West." I glare turning around to head up the stairs. "I think you should leave." He voices behind me. "Trust me, once I find Rory I'm out." I begin leaving. "No, now. Rory did just fine before you came around. No one needs you." He was a real jerk. "Fine." I turn around storming by him knocking into his shoulder. His phone behind to buzz from his pocket causing him to swallow what ever he was about to say. She still laid on the floor but with a smirk on her face as a walked by. "If ignorance is bliss, you must be ecstatic at all times." Her face goes from smiling to shocked. "Wally, did you just hear-" I walked out ignoring what he had to say. "Where is he?" She whines. heading out the door I was regretting not fighting harder for that jacket. I had to walk home in the cold, and even worse I know reeked of vodka and cigaret smoke. I had no clue what side of town I was on or how far from home I was. I headed down the side walk praying to see something familiar. I was about to have a very long walk and I couldn't stop my brain from thinking. Who should I be mad at? Rory dragged me here and then left me like she saiid she wouldn't do. But Wally kicked me out without a ride or anything. But then that girl, Jessica is what Wally called her. What was her problem. seriously? I didn't even properly meet her and you would've thought I was her sworn enemy. I guess I should be mad at myself, I kept saying I wasn't coming to this stupid party and what did I do? I let myself get talked into it.

I didn't want to be a bad person but after tonight I was taking the weekend off from Rory. I will talk to her Monday after everything had cooled down and gone back to normal. She can't expect me not to be mad, and she did say if I didn't have a good time I didn't have to talk to her ever again. I wouldn't go to that extent seeing as she my only friend in Keystone, I just needed a short breather. A nice long weekend with me time and practice and I'll be better by Monday. Maybe if I'm lucky Dad will call in for back up and I'll get to ditch school and go on a mission. I can't seem to make up my mind. One minute I want to be normal and go to college and have a family and the next I'm dying to leave and go on a mission or get back into the field. I wasn't sure what I wanted. In a way I felt Like work was something I've always known so it's become something I think i need. But I'm good at it, I was born for it. But getting married, having children sounds fun too. But with my life it would never happen.

Kids are not an option. even through that hurts to think it just has to be that way. I can't wish for something that will never be possible. My life is my missions and having a kid would screw all of that up. Plus I need a man to have a child, I don't have that either.

I don't need that, weighs me down. Sometimes I wonder if thats how Dad felt about Mom. Was it a relief when she left. Or did he use his work as a distraction from how hard it was to live without her. So much that he trained his daughter to be the best and to be heartless.

I felt that way sometimes. Whatever conscious I had seemed to be gone now. Years of training and killing had finally rubbed off on me and I felt emotionless at times. Until these past few weeks all I've known in life was violence. It wasn't a good way to grow up.

I walk down the dark sidewalk finally finding a familiar store. I knew how to get home now. I walked a couple more steps before realizing I was on the wrong side. There was no traffic and the lights were red. without looking both ways I began to walk across the street on the white lines. I was so caught up in my thought I wasn't even paying attention. By time my brain registered what the loud noise was the headlights shined onto me. A blacked out Dodge Charger was heading my way going an excessive speed. Police sounded as they came around the corner. This was how I die. I spent my last living moments complaining about my life. I almost sucked knowing I would die from getting hit by a car after all of the dangerous things I've done. You think someone would have stabbed me or shot me by know. But I Hunter Kincaid was about to breathe my last breath because of a car. A crappy one at that. I close my eyes waiting for impact I could feel everything in me pause. The lights shined through my eyelids. This was going to be It.


Sorry it's short.

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