27~ Can't We Sail Without Any Interruptions?!

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27~ Can't We Sail Without Any Interruptions?!


I can't believe it! Sicko is back! Of all the places to land, he just had to land somewhere the Lost Island would resurface! He's either really lucky, or that was just by pure, dumb luck!

"Man, you're stubborn!" Luffy called up to him.

"Yeah..." He said rather softly with a smirk in place. "I nearly drowned to death."

"You should have..." I muttered under my breath.

"Just look at this beautiful radiance!" He spoke on, gesturing dramatically with his arms. I'm kinda glad he didn't hear me... "Isn't it marvelous?! This is all Dragonite, the legendary elixir of immortality!"

"But breaking these fossilized Millennial Dragons won't produce anything usable!" Nami tried to reason with him.

"Yes, so I hear..." He said with a bored tone. "But there is more than enough live Dragonite here!"

"You're gonna kill them?!" I growled up at him.

"If that's what it has to come to, then yes." He stared down his nose at me, to which I raised mine higher. "What do you say? A pointless fight would only be tiring. How about we make a deal to split this treasure?"

"I say-"

"Mira," Luffy spoke over me and I shut my mouth. He took a step forward and looked up at Sicko. "No."

"Do you not want eternal life?!" Sicko shouted down at him.

"Not interested." Luffy said simply and I grinned at him. So glad I have him as my captain.

"You lie!" Sicko was starting to turn red in the face from all the shouting he was doing. "There's no one who's not afraid of dying! Both of us may have Devil Fruit powers, but a pirate's life is always inches from death! There's no way you can't be afraid of dying!"

"I'm not afraid." I called up to him, claiming his attention. "I already died and came back to life. It wasn't that scary of an experience."

Luffy simply smiled while Zoro spoke. "I dunno. He's the kind of guy who would probably die smiling doing what he's doing. And she even said dying isn't scary, so why bother being afraid?"

"Oh..." He stood straight and cast his gaze over all of us. "Fine, then! You can sit there and watch as I take all the Dragonite I need and leave!" He lifted his sharpened fingernails, his intent to slice us down.

Apis suddenly raced toward him. "No!"

"Stop right there, girl!" He cut right through the air, the currents right for Apis.

Just as I was about to leap in to save her, a blur darted in front of me. "Apis!" Usopp gathered her in his arms and rolled right under the currents and away from harm. We all stared at him in shock. "D-dont be reckless, Apis!"

She turned from him and glared at Sicko. "Even if it's reckless, I have to protect them! This is a very important place for the Millennial Dragons! I'm going to protect this place forever and ever!"

Sicko's eye twitched. "So you insist in defying me, eh?"

"We always have been." I said as I crossed my arms.

"Quiet, you!" He snapped and I simply shrugged my shoulders, not affected by his rage. "If you all are so intent on defying me, you can all die! Sickle-Sickle..." He waved his first two fingers in front of his face.

I tipped my head. "Is he going to make weird sounds with his lips?" Just in case he wasn't, I readied my katana and stood on my tip toes.

"Whirlwind!" He swiped both arms in front of him, sending a blast of sharp gusts right for us. What I wasn't expecting was Luffy to suddenly jump in front and take most of the hit. He shook on his feet and fell to his knees.

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