41~Family Bonds

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41~ Family Bonds


Zoro and I walked hand in hand around the bazaar. I admired all the shops while tugging him along. People were selling some pretty amazing things, and others I had never seen before. All the sights and new smells were making me very excited. If Zoro wasn't with me, I wouldn't be able to contain myself.

The group had decided to wander close to the area in hopes of finding Luffy somewhere. We all split in different directions to see where he had gone.

"Where do you think he went?" I asked as Zoro tightened his grip when I saw a fish market.

"Who knows?" He shrugged. "He could be anywhere there's food. We just gotta keep our eyes open."

"That's true," I pouted as we walked past the fish stall.

Excited voices to our left drew my attention. Usopp and Chopper were standing before a man holding a yellow apple. I pulled Zoro to a stop to watch.

"Are you for real?!" Usopp gaped at the man. "It's solid gold?!"

"You can live for a thousand years?!" I smacked my forehead and sighed as Chopper got a closer look.

"And you found it in ancient ruins?!"

"Yep, sure did!" The man stepped closer to show case his golden apple. "It's a legendary artifact of an ancient civilization!"

"And you're certain one bite will allow us to live one thousand years?!" Chopper, you should know that's not medically possible...

"Should we help them?" I whispered to Zoro.

"Give them another minute," He waved at me.

"Yep! It's the truth! I give you my word!" He stepped closer, knowing he had them hooked.


"Not yet,"

"Awesome!" The two of them jumped around like little kids.

"You two seem to have a very sharp eye," A glint crossed the shop keeper's eye. "In that case, I'll part with it for a one time price of 1,000 Berries."

"It's a deal!" The two began to reach for it.

"Okay, someone's gotta stop this crook."


"Does it protect against bullet wounds?" I asked as Usopp stopped reaching for his money. "Will it stop me from bleeding out? What if I get stabbed through the heart? Or does it only work against a natural death?" I stepped closer as I heard what sounded like fists hitting heads.

"Well, I, uh..."

I got right in his face and smirked. "How do you know it does everything you've promised? Have you tried it yourself? Can you even be certain one bite will keep you from dying? How do you know it's a thousand years?"

"There was... ancient writing..."

"And you just so happened to be able to read it, hm?" My smirk widened. "You've got a lot of nerve for lying to these suckers."

"Honestly, what were you two thinking?!" Nami shouted at them.

"I wouldn't take him seriously if I were you," I maintained eye contact with the man as Zoro pulled aside a curtain next to the stall. Behind the curtain was a man painting apples gold with paint.

"Tell me again where you got those apples."

The man flinched and hid behind the counter. "Sorry, we're closed!" He shut his tarp covering the shop.

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