17~ How Long Does it Take for a Fishman to Cook?

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17~ How Long Does it Take for a Fishman to Cook?


Seeing all these men who closely resembled fish made me realize one thing: I was hungry. I took a small step closer to Sanji and nudged him and whispered, "How long does it take to cook a fishman to perfection?" He blinked at me then studied the walking food.

"Given their size and all the meat the have, maybe close to a day or so..." He whispered back.

I held back a groan. "And if they're chopped into smaller pieces?"

He thought for a moment. "Depending on how small they are and how much you put in, possibly four hours."

I popped my neck. "Four hours; I can wait that long." My hand immediately rested on my katana. "It'll take only half an hour to cut them up."

"Arlong?" The pruple fishman asked. His eyes were shadowed over with his fuzzy snow cap. He wore a trpoical shirt and shorts and his teeth were wickedly sharp. He was sitting in an elaborate chair while the others were standing around him. "My name happens to be Arlong."

"I'm Luffy," Luffy strode towards him, radiating confidence.

"Luffy?" Arlong questioned. "So, what are you?"

"A pirate!" He responded simply. He stopped half way between the wall and Arlong.

"AH!" An octopus... thing, cried out and pointed at Luffy. "That's him! He's here! That's the guy who likes to take walks!" Luffy started walking again, each step getting him closer to Arlong.

Arlong... does he know anything about my father? Have they fought before?

"Hold it, you." One of the fishmen ordered, But Luffy didn't answer.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Another teased. "You need to run things by us first, kiddo!"


"If you don't stop," Two fat fishmen stepped in Luffy's way, one grabbing him by the shoulders. Luffy simply reached up, grabbed their heads, and smacked them together.

"Move!" Their heads cracked slightly at the force of being brought together and they slid down to the ground. Lufy simply walked over them. All of the fishmen'd mouths were hanging open and I saw Arlong's eyes widen a bit.

"Guys," I whispered to Sanji, Zoro, and Usopp. "I'm heading in. Usopp, cover for me." I stepped in and headed after Luffy, just to make sure he didn't do anything stupid.

"What does a pirate want with me?" Arlong asked in a relatively calm voice.

I stepped over the two Luffy took out and was almost right beside him. Luffy stopped a little ways from him, took his arm, flung it back, then slammed it home right in Arlong's face, sending him flying. Arlong slammed into a wall, it smashing on impact. I could feel the shocked gazes of the remaining fish peoples and the townsfolk.

I leaned on one foot next to Luffy and crossed my arms. "Coulda hit a little harder..." I said to him.

"Yeah, maybe." Was his ressponse.

"After all, he did hurt out friend." I reasoned.

I glanced at Luffy and saw his eyes cloud over a little. "I know," Luffy's scary when he's serious...

I looked back at Arlong and the broken wall. He lifted his head and looked right at Luffy. "Who the hell are you?" Luffy simply blew steam out his nose, ready for anything. Veins appeared on his forehead as he glared at Arlong.

"Don't make our navigator cry!" He shouted at Arlong, pure hate dripping from his words.

Suddenly, fishmen leaped from the water. "How dare you insult Arlong-san!!" They charged at us.

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