21~ Loguetown

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21~ Loguetown


"Wow!" Luffy exclaimed as we stood before the harbor entrance to Loguetown. "What a huge town!"

"I'll say..." I let my eyes wander around what I could see of the city as I fixed Zoro's bandana. "Thanks for letting me borrow this again, Zoro."

"No problem." He said as he glanced around. "You'll need a new hat, though. I consider that my good luck charm."

"Eh?" I squinted my eyes at him. "Charm?"

"I always do better in fights when I have it on." He explained.

"...okay then..."

"Listen up, everybody!" Nami drew our attention back to her. "This town used to be full of pirates on their way to the Grande Line. It has everything you could ever need!"

"Alright!" Usopp started off. "I'm gonna get some new equipment for our upcoming great adventure!"

"Looks like I can get some good ingredients here." Sanji scanned the crowd. "Good women, too!" I face palmed.

"I've got something I wanna buy, too." Zoro rested his hand on his chin.

"Oh?" Uh-oh.... I saw that spark in Nami's eyes. "How are you gonna do that? You're flat broke, as I recall!" Zoro scratched his cheek to try and ignore her.

"Then I'm going to check out the execution platform!" Luffy grinned wide.

"Huh?" But he was already running off to who knows where.

"I'm gonna see where the King of Pirates was executed!" Luffy ran right past Usopp.

"H-hey!" He called out. "We still haven't thought of a place to meet up!"

"We can meet back up at the ship." I suggested. "Most pirate gangs I've seen at my island always went back to the ship. Those who didn't in time got left behind because the ship was always hidden. Plus the fact that Axe-Hand Morgan was the leader of that island. They had to keep a low profile."

"Makes sense..." Usopp mumbled. "But man... That guy..." We stared after Luffy as he leaped into the air and cried out happily.

"So!" I turned and faced the remaining crew. "Once we have everything we need, we'll rendevous back at the ship and decide our next course of action. Agreed?"


Zoro and I began our walk to find a weapon's store. "Hey, Zoro! Mira!" We stopped and saw Nami running toward us. "Are you guys in need of money?"

"Me?" I pointed to myself. "Nah, I'm good. I have roughly 500 berries on me."

"What happened to the thousand berries you had back at Arlong Park?" Nami asked me.

"E-eh? O-oh.... It, uh....blew away?" I can't tell her I lost it. She'd kill me!

"Sorry to hear that..." Nami raised an eyebrow at me. "How about you, Zoro? Need money?"

"Y-yeah..." He placed a hand behind his head and lookded away slightly. "Would you mind lending me some money?"

"Lend you money? Sure!" Aw, how nice... Wait, there's a hitch with this. "But including interest, you hafta pay me 300% of what you borrow!"

"300%?!?!" Zoro and I exclaimed.

"So glad I didn't borrow anything..." I slumped over slightly.

"Here you are, Zoro! 300 berries! Don't go spending it all in one place!" And then she was gone, off to do her own thing.

"Sorry, Zoro..." I lightly took his arm and pulled his still shocked form along with me. "I'll try to help ya out, ok?"

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