3- Battle With Buggy/Buggy Knows My Parents?!

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3- Battle With Buggy/Buggy Knows My Parents?!

Buggy struggled to get his hand back and Luffy let it go with a half laugh. "Straw Hat," He growled, ignoring the conversation I just had with him. Nami and Zoro came and stood by us. "You actually have the guts to come back here to face this Captain Buggy!" He shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Listen," Nami pointed to Zoro. "All I want is the map and treasure. That's all."

"Yeah, I know." Zoro said lazily as the mayor fought to catch his breath.

"You brats," He said through pants. "What are you doing here? You outsiders should mind your own business."

"What's it look like?" I asked as I folded my hands behind my head. "We're helping you save your town. Is that a crime?"

"This is my fight-"

"That you will surely lose without help." I interjected.

"This is my town and I will protect it!" We all stared at him. He reached for his spear and stood up.

"Give up, old man. You're gonna lose." I checked my hat and quickly tucked the base of my ear back in before I secured it in place with more pins (yes, I keep bobby pins in my pocket).

"Don't interfere!" He got ready to charge at Buggy, who was on a roof of a building. What Luffy did next was so unexpected. He took his hand and slammed the mayor's face into a wall, knocking him out.

"Ah...ah...ah..." was all I could say. Nami and Zoro were silent.

"Wha...?" Came from Buggy. The mayor grunted and slid down the dented wall as Luffy brushed off his hands.

"What on Earth are you doing?!" Nami asked angrily. "Why did you do that to the mayor?!"

"He's in the way." Luffy simply said.

I face palmed. "I'm now certain the entire world is full of idiots."

Nami's mouth hung open.

What Zoro said made me want to slap him upside the head. "Good idea. If this old man fights, he'll get himself killed." I looked to the knocked out man. "It's better this way." Zoro finished.

"Don't be so rash!" Nami screamed at the both of them. "There arer other ways of handling that!"

Luffy shrugged and walked up to the building Buggy was standing on. "Here I go." He took in a long, deep breath. I thought he was going to do something smart for once. That hope shattered when he shouted, "BIG NOSE!!!" I dead panned. Everyone of Buggy's crew members behind Buggy had their chins handing to their stomach and made a startled noise at what he said.

Nami clutched her head in fear. "That's something you never say!"

"You're pissing me off, asshole." Buggy said in a low, threatening voice. "You dare call me that?" He went completely beserk. "FIRE THE BUGGY BOMB!!!" He shouted. Oh geez, we're in for it now. The cannon loaded into place and aimed right for us.

"Why'd you say that, you baka!" Nami cried. She took off running to hide.

Zoro looked ready to run as well. "Oi, Luffy! You better run!" He said. Luffy just stood there with a proud smirk on his face.

"That's nothing." Luffy stated nonchalantly.

"Disappear!" Buggy shouted and the cannon was shot.

"That won't work on me!" A spark glanced across his eye for a second. I jumped behind him since I was currently in front, right in the line of fire. "GOMU GOMU no..." He sucked in a bunch of air and swelled like a balloon. "BALLOON!!" How right was I? The bomb landed harmlessly on Luffy's stomach and it sunk in. The bomb then sprung back and sailed right for Buggy's crew. Everyone stared, shocked at what he did, jaws almost touching the floor. I closed mine, which only fell open slightly in awe.

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