43~ The Scorching Desert

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43~ The Scorching Desert


"It's so hoooooooot....." I whined as I walked beside Zoro.

"Burning up..." Luffy groaned as he used a stick for support. "Sweat won't even come out..."

"Water is a distant memory..." I heard Zoro scoff. "I can't remember the last time I tasted the crisp, cool liquid..."

"Luffy, Mira, quit moaning so much. You'll only tire yourself out more." Nami sighed as she fanned herself.

"The air feels like it's melting my face..." I tried pulling my hood up more. "The sand is too bright and I can see squiggly lines..." Luffy and I groaned out at the same time.

"Vivi, how can you live in a place like this?" I staggered a bit. Zoro quickly caught me and stood me back up. "Luffy, give me your stick!"

"No, it's mine!" Despite being as hot as he was, he managed to pick his pace up to avoid me.

"Uuuuuuugh...." I reached out towards him. "Fine, be that way... Why does the sun hate us so much out here? Chopper! How ya holding up?" I called back to our doctor, who is currently being pulled on a mini sled by Zoro.

"I can't go on..." He replied. "I can't take hot weather..."

I nodded. "You're doing better than Luffy and I."

"I'm a winter animal!" He snapped tiredly at me. "I hardy ever got to see the sun on Drum! It feels like the sun here knows that and is giving me all the sun I ever missed."

"Guys, just stop..." Usopp huffed from behind. "Your complaining is making me tired."

"Usopp, give me your stick."

"Get your own!"

"There's nothing out here!" I pouted. "All there is for the eye to see is sand, sand hills, dancing lines just out of reach, and the footprints of those in front of me."

"So hoooot..." Luffy groaned from ahead. "Can't do this anymore..."

"I want snow..."

"Usopp, you're not using your stick..."

"Am too! I'm using it for support!"

"Just use your nose."

"Like hell I will!"

"Don't talk to a lady like that!"

"She started it!"

"I'll finish it!"

"Usopp, give me your stick..."

"I said no!"

"And I say give it to her!"

"Hey, stop!" "It's so hot..." "I miss the snow..." "Water..." "Give her the stick!" "Back off!" "So thirsty..." "Sand is everywhere..." "Give it here!!" "I said NO!" "The world has become sand..." "So hooooooooooot..."

"Alright, that's enough!" We all froze at Nami's outburst. "I am sick and tired of every single one of you guys fighting and making things worse for all of us! One more complaint, and I'm burying you up to your neck in sand! We have plenty of water for now, so if you need something, ask! Ace and I will help ration what we have."

"You gotta catch us first," I stuck my tongue out at Nami. I blinked twice slowly as a strange sound reached my ears. "Topper, ith it pothible t' get a thunburm on youhr ton'? (Chopper, is it possible to get a sunburn on your tongue?)"

"That shouldn't be possible." He gave a small groan.

"Yoo sthure? Betauth I cam't heel ma ton'. (You sure? Because I can't feel my tongue.)" A sudden gust of wind blew around us. "I tink I tathe than. (I think I taste sand.)"

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