31~ Heavy Weights and Exploding Boogers

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31~ Heavy Weights and Exploding Boogers


"Igarappa!" Igaram began shooting at Mr. 5 and Valentine once more. His attacks were relentless and never stopped. Shouldn't he be running out of bullets soon?

"Sheesh." Zoro set the empty wine bottle down. "He's really letting them have it. I can't believe we left Luffy down there in the midst of that."

I shrugged. "He's out cold. Nothing will bother him."

"True," He sighed as we watched Mr. 5 and Valentine take the hits, not once getting a scratch on them.

"Hurry, Vivi-sama!" Iragam shouted over the gunfire. "Get out of here! Please escape!"

"Igaram!" She cried out to him, unable to move.

"If I was in her shoes, I'd have been running already." I muttered to myself. "Then again, I might also be scared out of my mind if my secret got out like that."

My next words were cut off from an explosion that went off right in front of us. Just as it started, Zoro tensed and pulled me back to avoid the worst of it.

"What the hell was that?!" I shouted as I sat up, the smoke clearing.

Igaram fell face first into the dust. "What...?"


"It's no use!" Valentine's voice came from above. I looked up to see her floating in the air with her umbrella. She quickly descended and kicked her leg out. Vivi ducked just in time. The kick shattered her hair piece that held her bright blue locks up.

Where did Valentine get those shoes? They cut through metal!

Vivi struck at Valentine with one of her mini rope darts. Of course, Valentine floated up more to avoid the attack. Does she have control over wind or something? If so, that's pretty cool.

Valentine landed back beside Mr. 5 as the last of the smoke from Igaram's attack blew away. "You monsters!" Vivi growled out, a hateful snarl in place.

"You're a princess, Miss Wednesday?!" Oh, I forgot he was here... Mr. 9 was bowing on the ground to her.

"Quit being dumb, Mr. 9!" She snapped at him.

"What're we gonna do?" I asked Zoro as the two used to be partners squabbled back and forth.

Zoro shrugged. "Nothing. Let's go." We jumped down beside Luffy. Zoro grabbed his collar. "This is one screwed up night! You guys can do whatever you want!" We quickly raced past them, dragging the still unconscious and food filled captain behind us.

As we ran to find a safe place to rest, another explosion sounded behind us. I glanced back to see Mr. 9 flying past the opening to the alley. A splash soon followed. I shook my head and kept going.

"This place is insane!" I gasped out.

"That's some dangerous snot!" Zoro swallowed.

"What?" I stared at him like he'd gone crazy. "What are you talking about?!"

"Didn't you see?" He pointed at Mr. 5. "That guy was picking his nose just as we were leaving! I looked back and watched him flick it right in that weird king's face!"

"No way!" I turned back and found a safe place to watch from. Sure enough, his finger was back in his nose. Ew.

"Mira," I glanced back to see Zoro wave his hand. We moved a bit closer to examine what was going on.

"What the hell?!" I gasped and jumped back. When did Igaram crawl over to us?! I thought he was dead!

"Sir swordsman! Miss swordswoman!" Igaram coughed up blood. "Upon seeing the skills that both of you possess, I have a request, though it may be unreasonable as of now!"

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