One Piece Halloween Special! (2018)

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I'm feeling spooky... Mwahahahaha.... Since it is close enough to my favorite holiday, I thought I might as well do a Halloween special, since I did a Christmas one  a couple years ago. I won't take away too much from the main story, since it's getting good.

So, enjoy my Halloween Special. Then, the story shall continue...


A loud bump woke me from a sound sleep. I jerked awake and glanced around the dark room, trying to figure out what had made that noise.

I'm alone. No one is in the room with me. It's probably just Luffy trying to get a late night snack again. I sighed to myself, asking why I had reacted like I did over nothing.

Just as I was laying back down, there was another crash, louder than the first. I shrugged it off, thinking it was Sanji going after Luffy once more. Those two are always after each other with one thing or another.

The next thing my ears heard raised goosebumps along my skin and made my tail fuzz. It was a rhythmic sound, almost haunting. A single thump was followed by what sounded like chains scraping along the wood of the ship.

And it's coming right down the hall towards my room.

I gulped and quickly got out of bed. I need to either hide, or wake the crew. But the only way to wake the crew is if I leave my room and get to the main deck. I don't have time to do that.

My heart started pounding louder as the person got closer to my room. Since I'm down at the end of the hall, I know they're coming for me. Before I ducked under my bed, I grabbed my katana and made my bed look like I was still sleeping in it.

I examined my bed, then decided that it wouldn't hide me well. My heart nearly leaped into my throat when the feet stopped right outside my door. I used the move I learned from Kuro and slipped right into my bathroom. I'm so glad I did, because right then and there, the hand of the person grabbed my door handle and slowly eased it open.

I could hear their heavy breathing and they grunted every few seconds with each exhale. I stayed perfectly still, katana ready. But I was certain the person could hear my racing heart.

They slowly scanned the room, the black shadow of the person looming threateningly  in the middle of the room. His massive shoulders rolled as he shifted his position. His breathing became heavier and his grunts became louder and more raspy. From what it sounds like, this guy could easily flick me away as if I was merely a bug. I have to be careful and plan my attacks.

The person stopped before my bed. "Mira," He whispered and I felt myself pale. Oh God, he knows my name... "Mira..." He knelt down a bit and touched where my head would have been. He swore when he realized I wasn't in the bed and turned from it.

"Damn it, Mira..." He sighed and turned. There! That's his back! He paced over to my desk and groaned as he tried to light my lamp.

Now's my chance... I pulled my katana into a position to make it easier to strike with and slowly tip toed over to the massive form before me. He swore once more when the match wouldn't light. Soon, I was right before him.

I took in a deep breath just as the match finally lit. Aim for the shoulders... The person touched the match to the lamp and picked it up. I growled and swung, letting out a small cry.

"Mira!" Instead of hitting the person, I ended up knocking the lamp from his hand, shattering it and plummeting us back into the dark.

"Get out of my room, you bastard!" I swung again, hoping to hit the person.

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