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I stared at myself in the mirror and took a deep breath. Do I look okay? Is my hair right? Am I dressed for the right occasion? Do I have enough make up? Too much?

I groaned and messed my hair up. I blew a strand out of my face and stared at myself. "Don't give me that look. I don't know what I'm doing! I've never had to dress up nice before!"

I picked my brush back up and got rid of the tangles I made. "You're one hot mess, Mira..."

A knock at my door made me jump. I looked up to see Vivi step in. "Hey, I heard you talking to yourself. You okay?"

I nodded, peeked at the mirror, and shook my head. "No, I'm not okay. I've never really had to worry about how I look, or how people see me, and I don't know how to dress up. This is my very first date and I don't know what to do."

She grinned and stepped in. "Mind if I help?"

I waved a hand at her and had a glaring contest with my reflection. "Be my guest."

She shut the door and paced over to me. She picked up my brush and slowly smoothed it out. "The best results for smooth, shiny hair is to give it one hundred strokes. It helps give it new life and make sure you got every last little tangle out."

She counted to herself as I watched her in the mirror. She had a soft smile on her face. "Next, we're going to put your hair up. It'll make it more manageable and less likely to get in your face. I would suggest something like this," she put my hair up into a half bun, the other part tumbling down my back in waves. She left a few strands to hang loose at the sides of my head.

"Now, about your clothes..." she tapped her chin.

I stared down at my simple T-shirt and skirt. "Is it bad?"

"No, no!" She assured me. "They're fine! It's just that this is going to be a very nice meal! You'll want to dress right. Come with me; I might have something you could wear." She dragged me from my room to hers. I was placed in front of a standing mirror as she went through her clothing chest.

"Aha!" Vivi grinned as she walked back over to me. "Try this on! It's not too fancy, but still looks really nice."

I put on the soft, silky fabric. The skirt came down past my knees and swished every time I moved. The teal color shimmered in the light. I put on the matching half top, it's long sleeves just as flowing.

"And to top it off," a soft fabric was draped across my neck. "A nice, simple black choker necklace." She fastened it in place.

I stared at myself, not believing it was me. I looked... beautiful. A hand went to my mouth. I just can't believe that's me!

"Turn around," I did and soon had a cloth to my face. I shut my eyes as she wiped off the makeup I did. "Soft and subtle is the way to go. Neutral eyeshadow and pale lipstick. Add a bit of blush, and tada!" She spun me back around.

Now I look completely unrecognizable. "Vivi, you're amazing." I pulled her into a tight embrace. "Thank you. Hey, where's Nami? Didn't she want to help out?"

"She was still tired from today," Vivi explained as she had me slip on some black flats. "She's laying down right now."

I nodded. "Okay, that's fine. Well, am I ready?"

She grinned. "You're more than ready! Come on, they're waiting for us."

"They?" She ignored me as she lead me back up to the main deck. "They who?! Vivi!"

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